Ontology-mediated query answering with data-tractable description logics

M Bienvenu, M Ortiz - Reasoning Web. Web Logic Rules: 11th …, 2015 - Springer
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in ontology-mediated query answering, in
which the semantic knowledge provided by an ontology is exploited when querying data …

[PDF][PDF] Understanding RegTech for digital regulatory compliance

T Butler, L O'Brien - Disrupting finance: FinTech and strategy in …, 2019 - library.oapen.org
This chapter explores the promise and potential of Regulatory Technologies (RegTech), a
new and vital dimension to FinTech. It draws on the findings and outcomes of a five-year …

[HTML][HTML] Semantic 3D City Database—An enabler for a dynamic geospatial knowledge graph

A Chadzynski, N Krdzavac, F Farazi, MQ Lim, S Li… - Energy and AI, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents a dynamic geospatial knowledge graph as part of The World Avatar
project, with an underlying ontology based on CityGML 2.0 for three-dimensional …

Answering SPARQL queries over databases under OWL 2 QL entailment regime

R Kontchakov, M Rezk, M Rodriguez-Muro… - International Semantic …, 2014 - Springer
We present an extension of the ontology-based data access platform Ontop that supports
answering SPARQL queries under the OWL 2 QL direct semantics entailment regime for …

[HTML][HTML] An ontology-based framework for geospatial integration and querying of raster data cube using virtual knowledge graphs

Y Hamdani, G **ao, L Ding, D Calvanese - ISPRS International Journal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com
The integration of the raster data cube alongside another form of geospatial data (eg, vector
data) raises considerable challenges when it comes to managing and representing it using …

A cookbook for temporal conceptual data modelling with description logics

A Artale, R Kontchakov, V Ryzhikov… - ACM Transactions on …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
We design temporal description logics (TDLs) suitable for reasoning about temporal
conceptual data models and investigate their computational complexity. Our formalisms are …

Multi-model data modeling and representation: State of the art and research challenges

I Holubová, P Contos, M Svoboda - Proceedings of the 25th International …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Following the current trend, most of the well-known database systems, being relational,
NoSQL, or NewSQL, denote themselves as multi-model. This industry-driven approach …

First order-rewritability and containment of conjunctive queries in Horn description logics

M Bienvenu, P Hansen, C Lutz, F Wolter - arxiv preprint arxiv:2011.09836, 2020 - arxiv.org
We study FO-rewritability of conjunctive queries in the presence of ontologies formulated in
a description logic between EL and Horn-SHIF, along with related query containment …

[PDF][PDF] Ontology-Mediated Query Answering: Harnessing Knowledge to Get More from Data.

M Bienvenu - IJCAI, 2016 - labri.fr
Ontology-mediated query answering (OMQA) is a new paradigm in data management that
seeks to exploit the semantic knowledge expressed in ontologies to improve query …

RDFS and OWL reasoning for linked data

A Polleres, A Hogan, R Delbru, J Umbrich - Reasoning Web International …, 2013 - Springer
Linked Data promises that a large portion of Web Data will be usable as one big interlinked
RDF database against which structured queries can be answered. In this lecture we will …