The redclaw crayfish: A prominent aquaculture species with invasive potential in tropical and subtropical biodiversity hotspots
The redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus; hereafter redclaw), native to northern
Australia and southern New Guinea, is among the largest freshwater decapods. It matures …
Australia and southern New Guinea, is among the largest freshwater decapods. It matures …
The ecological drivers and consequences of wildlife trade
Wildlife trade is a key driver of extinction risk, affecting at least 24% of terrestrial vertebrates.
The persistent removal of species can have profound impacts on species extinction risk and …
The persistent removal of species can have profound impacts on species extinction risk and …
IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 1. Introducing biological invasions and the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control
HE Roy, A Pauchard, P Stoett, TR Truong, T Lipinskaya… - 2023 - digitalcommons.uri.edu
Chapter 1: Introducing biological invasions and the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive
alien species and their control of the Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien …
alien species and their control of the Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien …
[HTML][HTML] Economic costs of biological invasions in the United States
Abstract The United States has thousands of invasive species, representing a sizable, but
unknown burden to the national economy. Given the potential economic repercussions of …
unknown burden to the national economy. Given the potential economic repercussions of …
Citizen science is a vital partnership for invasive alien species management and research
Invasive alien species (IAS) adversely impact biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and socio-
economics. Citizen science can be an effective tool for IAS surveillance, management, and …
economics. Citizen science can be an effective tool for IAS surveillance, management, and …
Societal extinction of species
The ongoing global biodiversity crisis not only involves biological extinctions, but also the
loss of experience and the gradual fading of cultural knowledge and collective memory of …
loss of experience and the gradual fading of cultural knowledge and collective memory of …
Invasive alien species as simultaneous benefits and burdens: trends, stakeholder perceptions and management
In addition to being a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, biological
invasions also have profound impacts on economies and human wellbeing. However, the …
invasions also have profound impacts on economies and human wellbeing. However, the …
Mechanistic models project bird invasions with accuracy
Invasive species pose a major threat to biodiversity and inflict massive economic costs.
Effective management of bio-invasions depends on reliable predictions of areas at risk of …
Effective management of bio-invasions depends on reliable predictions of areas at risk of …
Introduction pathways of economically costly invasive alien species
Introduction pathways play a pivotal role in the success of Invasive Alien Species (IAS)—the
subset of alien species that have a negative environmental and/or socio-economic impact …
subset of alien species that have a negative environmental and/or socio-economic impact …
Does non‐native diversity mirror Earth's biodiversity?
Aim Human activities have introduced numerous non‐native species (NNS) worldwide.
Understanding and predicting large‐scale NNS establishment patterns remain fundamental …
Understanding and predicting large‐scale NNS establishment patterns remain fundamental …