Interactivity in digital teaching of a foreign language (on the example of Don State Technical University)
G Radchenko, S Pervukhina - E3S Web of Conferences, 2020 - e3s-conferences.org
The article discusses the issues of methods of teaching a foreign language using digital
technologies, taking into account their development in the Rostov region on the basis of the …
technologies, taking into account their development in the Rostov region on the basis of the …
Integration of school technologies for language learning for students with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review
J Sandoval, BMA Gutiérrez… - International …, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Technologies can be a variable that influences academic success, specifically in language
learning in schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The use of virtual learning …
learning in schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The use of virtual learning …
Innovation Unleashed: Empowering Autistic Learners with Revolutionary Strategies and Technology
An explosion of innovation using intelligence and software can potentially revolutionize
growth strategies. Exploring new strategies to empower autistic students is crucial because …
growth strategies. Exploring new strategies to empower autistic students is crucial because …
Implementación de la plataforma “LMS-Nearpod” para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de Biología en Tercero de Bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa “Herlinda Toral”
EJ López Fernandez, JV Ortega Guallpa - 2022 - repositorio.unae.edu.ec
The objective of this degree project is to study the effect of the LMS platform Nearpod in the
teaching-learning process of Biology in the subject of Biomes of the world, in the third year of …
teaching-learning process of Biology in the subject of Biomes of the world, in the third year of …
NIDABA: plataforma digital para produção de recursos educacionais inclusivos baseados em mesa tangível
E Preuss - 2021 - lume.ufrgs.br
A utilização de ferramentas tecnológicas na educação é bastante disseminada no Brasil e
no mundo, porém, quando envolve educação inclusiva, especialmente com crianças com …
no mundo, porém, quando envolve educação inclusiva, especialmente com crianças com …
Integration of School Technologies for Language Learning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review.
JA Sandoval Cárcamo, BMA Gutiérrez… - … & Society: Annual …, 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Technologies can be a variable that influences academic success, specifically in language
learning in schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The use of virtual learning …
learning in schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The use of virtual learning …
[PDF][PDF] Trabajo fin de máster
FSB Díaz - 2017 - core.ac.uk
Foreign languages have been taught differently over the last XX decades. According to
Richards and Rodgers (2001), modern languages began to be taught following the same …
Richards and Rodgers (2001), modern languages began to be taught following the same …
Interação criança-robô: um experimento na contação de histórias
EIF Maciel, CG Webber - Redin-Revista Educacional Interdisciplinar, 2020 - seer.faccat.br
A robótica educacional é uma área promissora e desafiadora. Um dos seus segmentos de
pesquisa trata da Interação Criança-Robô (cIHR), que busca desenvolver tecnologias para …
pesquisa trata da Interação Criança-Robô (cIHR), que busca desenvolver tecnologias para …
[PDF][PDF] Affective Computing from Digital Health: A literature
J Apablaza, S Cano - ceur-ws.org
Digital Health has become one of the area's most important from SARS-CoV2. Therefore,
Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the rise of new apps centered on digital health, which …
Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the rise of new apps centered on digital health, which …
Easle educational platform and reading skills
SD Velasteguí Viteri - 2021 - repositorio.uta.edu.ec
The current research is demanded to cover an examination accomplished with the following
topic:“EASLE Educational Platform and Reading Skills” which investigates the relationship …
topic:“EASLE Educational Platform and Reading Skills” which investigates the relationship …