Budaya dan Sistem Kekeluargaan Etnis Aneuk Jamee

J Sahputri, B Agustono, F Zuska - Al-Qadha: Jurnal Hukum …, 2021 - journal.iainlangsa.ac.id
Abstrak Suku Aneuk Jamee merupakan alkulturasi dari suku Aceh dan Minangkabau,
keduanya seperti sudah menyatu dalam satu individu sehingga menghasilkan sebuah etnis …

Dakwah Berbasis Konten Lokal: Analisis Ceramah Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Kitabullah

P Chaniago - Jurnal Ilmiah Syi'ar, 2025 - ejournal.uinfasbengkulu.ac.id
Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah dakwah berbasis konten lokal, anilisis
terhadap video ceramah adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi kitabullah oleh Ustadz …

Dakwah pada masyarakat Minangkabau (Studi kasus pada kaum Padri)

PC Hati - Islamic Communication Journal, 2018 - journal.walisongo.ac.id
Da'wah is a part that must exist in the life of religious people. One of the teachings of Islam,
da'wah ia a duty that is charged to the adherents of religion. Padri movement oriented on …

[Књига][B] Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Adat dan Syarak: Perspektif Syekh Sulaiman Arrasuli

MP Januar - 2024 - books.google.com
Buku ini lahir dari keprihatinan penulis terhadap krisis moral dan budaya yang melanda
dunia pendidikan saat ini, khususnya dalam konteks pendidikan Islam di Indonesia …

[Књига][B] COSTLY TOLERANCE Batas-Batas Penggunaan Cadar di Ruang Publik

E Chairi - 2024 - books.google.com
Tahun 2017 hingga 2019 isu agama sangat kencang di Indonesia. Mulai dari isu
radikalisme, politik identitas yang menggandeng agama, termasuk isu cadar. Khusus …

The practice of Pagang Gadai of high heritage assets in kanagarian Ganggo Mudiak in the perspective of Islamic law

M Murniyetti, E Engkizar - Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal …, 2022 - ejournal.radenintan.ac.id
This study aims to analyze how the practice of pagang gadai is carried out by the community
according to the perspective of Islamic law. This study uses a qualitative method with a …

Implementation of ABS SBK value in life of Minangkabau people

H Hafizah, A Ananda, S Fatimah, M Ilham - European Journal of …, 2021 - oapub.org
This research is based on the value of purification of Protestant religious reforms that are
closely related to the purification of the purification of Minangkabau patterns of behaviour …

[PDF][PDF] Ambivalensi Dakwah dan Intoleransi dalam Institusi Publik: Analisis SKB Tiga Menteri Perihal Atribut Pendidikan

T Octastefani - Jurnal Ilmiah Syi'ar, 2021 - academia.edu
In the new normal period where all elements of the nation are struggling with the socio-
economic conditions recovery due to Covid-19, the society must be surprised by the incident …

Critiques to the Nation-State Model: Representing Muslim and Islamism in the Post-colonial Era

J Ramadhan, M Ulum, N Normuslim - Bandung, 2024 - brill.com
Indo-Pacific, connected by water and the strait of Malacca, is home to great civilizations
encompassed Africa, Asia and the Archipelagos in between. Nevertheless, Western …

Perlawanan Ulama Minangkabau Terhadap Kolonialisme Belanda Abad XIX-XX

S Rahmat - Hadharah: Jurnal Keislaman dan Peradaban, 2021 - ejournal.uinib.ac.id
The internal conflict between adat and religious (known as Paderi) groups in Minangkabau
was initiated by the involvement of Dutch in the early 19th century. As requested by the Adat …