Comparative genomics reveals the dynamics of chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera
Chromosomes are a central unit of genome organization. One-tenth of all described species
on Earth are butterflies and moths, the Lepidoptera, which generally possess 31 …
on Earth are butterflies and moths, the Lepidoptera, which generally possess 31 …
Repeat-based holocentromeres influence genome architecture and karyotype evolution
The centromere represents a single region in most eukaryotic chromosomes. However,
several plant and animal lineages assemble holocentromeres along the entire chromosome …
several plant and animal lineages assemble holocentromeres along the entire chromosome …
Extreme genome scrambling in marine planktonic Oikopleura dioica cryptic species
Genome structural variations within species are rare. How selective constraints preserve
gene order and chromosome structure is a central question in evolutionary biology that …
gene order and chromosome structure is a central question in evolutionary biology that …
Celebrating Mendel, McClintock, and Darlington: on end-to-end chromosome fusions and nested chromosome fusions
MA Lysak - The Plant Cell, 2022 - academic.oup.com
The evolution of eukaryotic genomes is accompanied by fluctuations in chromosome
number, reflecting cycles of chromosome number increase (polyploidy and centric fissions) …
number, reflecting cycles of chromosome number increase (polyploidy and centric fissions) …
A comparative analysis of planarian genomes reveals regulatory conservation in the face of rapid structural divergence
The planarian Schmidtea mediterranea is being studied as a model species for
regeneration, but the assembly of planarian genomes remains challenging. Here, we report …
regeneration, but the assembly of planarian genomes remains challenging. Here, we report …
Chromosome Fissions and Fusions Act as Barriers to Gene Flow between Brenthis Fritillary Butterflies
Chromosome rearrangements are thought to promote reproductive isolation between
incipient species. However, it is unclear how often, and under what conditions, fission and …
incipient species. However, it is unclear how often, and under what conditions, fission and …
Chromosome-scale genome assemblies of aphids reveal extensively rearranged autosomes and long-term conservation of the X chromosome
Chromosome rearrangements are arguably the most dramatic type of mutations, often
leading to rapid evolution and speciation. However, chromosome dynamics have only been …
leading to rapid evolution and speciation. However, chromosome dynamics have only been …
Dissecting cricket genomes for the advancement of entomology and entomophagy
K Kataoka, Y Togawa, R Sanno, T Asahi, K Yura - Biophysical Reviews, 2022 - Springer
Significant advances in biophysical methods such as next-generation sequencing
technologies have now opened the way to conduct evolutionary and applied research …
technologies have now opened the way to conduct evolutionary and applied research …
High-density linkage maps and chromosome level genome assemblies unveil direction and frequency of extensive structural rearrangements in wood white butterflies …
Karyotypes are generally conserved between closely related species and large
chromosome rearrangements typically have negative fitness consequences in …
chromosome rearrangements typically have negative fitness consequences in …
Evidence for a single, ancient origin of a genus-wide alternative life history strategy
Understanding the evolutionary origins and factors maintaining alternative life history
strategies (ALHS) within species is a major goal of evolutionary research. While alternative …
strategies (ALHS) within species is a major goal of evolutionary research. While alternative …