Comparative genomics reveals the dynamics of chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera

CJ Wright, L Stevens, A Mackintosh… - Nature ecology & …, 2024 -
Chromosomes are a central unit of genome organization. One-tenth of all described species
on Earth are butterflies and moths, the Lepidoptera, which generally possess 31 …

Repeat-based holocentromeres influence genome architecture and karyotype evolution

PG Hofstatter, G Thangavel, T Lux, P Neumann… - Cell, 2022 -
The centromere represents a single region in most eukaryotic chromosomes. However,
several plant and animal lineages assemble holocentromeres along the entire chromosome …

Extreme genome scrambling in marine planktonic Oikopleura dioica cryptic species

C Plessy, MJ Mansfield, A Bliznina… - Genome …, 2024 -
Genome structural variations within species are rare. How selective constraints preserve
gene order and chromosome structure is a central question in evolutionary biology that …

Celebrating Mendel, McClintock, and Darlington: on end-to-end chromosome fusions and nested chromosome fusions

MA Lysak - The Plant Cell, 2022 -
The evolution of eukaryotic genomes is accompanied by fluctuations in chromosome
number, reflecting cycles of chromosome number increase (polyploidy and centric fissions) …

A comparative analysis of planarian genomes reveals regulatory conservation in the face of rapid structural divergence

M Ivanković, JN Brand, L Pandolfini, T Brown… - Nature …, 2024 -
The planarian Schmidtea mediterranea is being studied as a model species for
regeneration, but the assembly of planarian genomes remains challenging. Here, we report …

Chromosome Fissions and Fusions Act as Barriers to Gene Flow between Brenthis Fritillary Butterflies

A Mackintosh, R Vila, DR Laetsch… - Molecular biology …, 2023 -
Chromosome rearrangements are thought to promote reproductive isolation between
incipient species. However, it is unclear how often, and under what conditions, fission and …

Chromosome-scale genome assemblies of aphids reveal extensively rearranged autosomes and long-term conservation of the X chromosome

TC Mathers, RHM Wouters, ST Mugford… - Molecular biology …, 2021 -
Chromosome rearrangements are arguably the most dramatic type of mutations, often
leading to rapid evolution and speciation. However, chromosome dynamics have only been …

Dissecting cricket genomes for the advancement of entomology and entomophagy

K Kataoka, Y Togawa, R Sanno, T Asahi, K Yura - Biophysical Reviews, 2022 - Springer
Significant advances in biophysical methods such as next-generation sequencing
technologies have now opened the way to conduct evolutionary and applied research …

High-density linkage maps and chromosome level genome assemblies unveil direction and frequency of extensive structural rearrangements in wood white butterflies …

L Höök, K Näsvall, R Vila, C Wiklund… - Chromosome Research, 2023 - Springer
Karyotypes are generally conserved between closely related species and large
chromosome rearrangements typically have negative fitness consequences in …

Evidence for a single, ancient origin of a genus-wide alternative life history strategy

K Tunström, A Woronik, JJ Hanly, P Rastas… - Science …, 2023 -
Understanding the evolutionary origins and factors maintaining alternative life history
strategies (ALHS) within species is a major goal of evolutionary research. While alternative …