Behind the definition of Industry 4.0: Analysis and open questions
The many scholars approaching Industry 4.0 today need to confront the lack of an agreed-
upon definition, posing serious limitations to theory building and research comparability …
upon definition, posing serious limitations to theory building and research comparability …
Advanced manufacturing technology adoption and innovation: A systematic literature review on barriers, enablers, and innovation types
This study examines the barriers and enablers within the adoption process of advanced
manufacturing technologies (AMTs) and their relationship to different innovation types as …
manufacturing technologies (AMTs) and their relationship to different innovation types as …
The impact of Industry 4.0 on the reconciliation of dynamic capabilities: Evidence from the European manufacturing industries
Industry 4.0 offers massive potential for implementing sustainability, which is a growing
concern for global manufacturing industries. This paper investigates the impact of the …
concern for global manufacturing industries. This paper investigates the impact of the …
Implementation of digital manufacturing technologies: Antecedents and consequences
The use of digital manufacturing technologies (DMTs) is changing the face of the
manufacturing landscape and enhancing the competitiveness of firms. However, its …
manufacturing landscape and enhancing the competitiveness of firms. However, its …
[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: A systematic literature review of empirical studies and research directions
This article presents a systematic literature review (SLR) of empirical studies concerning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM). Over the past …
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM). Over the past …
Lean practices and their effect on performance: a literature review
This paper introduces a literature review of 83 studies dealing with the degree of adoption of
lean manufacturing practices around the world, and the links between those practices and …
lean manufacturing practices around the world, and the links between those practices and …
The interplay between smart manufacturing technologies and work organization: the role of technological complexity
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence on how smart manufacturing (SM)
affects work organization at both micro-level–ie work design, described in terms of operator …
affects work organization at both micro-level–ie work design, described in terms of operator …
Lean manufacturing as a vehicle for improving productivity and customer satisfaction: A literature review on metals and engineering industries
Y Goshime, D Kitaw, K Jilcha - International Journal of Lean Six …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to improve productivity and customer satisfaction through lean
manufacturing for metals and engineering industries. Its aims also to understand the concept …
manufacturing for metals and engineering industries. Its aims also to understand the concept …
Flexibility from a supply chain perspective: definition and review
Purpose–A growing body of literature has begun to recognise that in the era of supply chain
management it is important to look beyond the flexible factory to the flexible supply chain …
management it is important to look beyond the flexible factory to the flexible supply chain …
Manufacturing strategy: literature review and some issues
GS Dangayach, SG Deshmukh - International journal of operations & …, 2001 - emerald.com
Manufacturing strategy has attracted serious research attention in the recent past. In this
paper, an attempt is made to review the status of literature in manufacturing strategy. A …
paper, an attempt is made to review the status of literature in manufacturing strategy. A …