Wavelet-based image coding: an overview
GM Davis, A Nosratinia - Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and …, 1999 - Springer
This chapter presents an overview of wavelet-based image coding. We develop the basics
of image coding with a discussion of vector quantization. We motivate the use of transform …
of image coding with a discussion of vector quantization. We motivate the use of transform …
[BUKU][B] Digital watermarking and steganography
Digital audio, video, images, and documents are flying through cyberspace to their
respective owners. Unfortunately, along the way, individuals may choose to intervene and …
respective owners. Unfortunately, along the way, individuals may choose to intervene and …
Image-adaptive watermarking using visual models
CI Podilchuk, W Zeng - IEEE Journal on selected areas in …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The huge success of the Internet allows for the transmission, wide distribution, and access of
electronic data in an effortless manner. Content providers are faced with the challenge of …
electronic data in an effortless manner. Content providers are faced with the challenge of …
Perceptual watermarks for digital images and video
RB Wolfgang, CI Podilchuk, EJ Delp - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The growth of new imaging technologies has created a need for techniques that can be
used for copyright protection of digital images and video. One approach for copyright …
used for copyright protection of digital images and video. One approach for copyright …
A stochastic approach to content adaptive digital image watermarking
S Voloshynovskiy, A Herrigel, N Baumgaertner… - … workshop on information …, 1999 - Springer
This paper presents a new stochastic approach which can be applied with different
watermark techniques. The approach is based on the computation of a Noise Visibility …
watermark techniques. The approach is based on the computation of a Noise Visibility …
Perceptual DFT watermarking with improved detection and robustness to geometrical distortions
More than ever, the growing amount of exchanged digital content calls for efficient and
practical techniques to protect intellectual property rights. During the past two decades …
practical techniques to protect intellectual property rights. During the past two decades …
Structural similarity quality metrics in a coding context: exploring the space of realistic distortions
AC Brooks, X Zhao, TN Pappas - IEEE Transactions on image …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Perceptual image quality metrics have explicitly accounted for human visual system (HVS)
sensitivity to subband noise by estimating just noticeable distortion (JND) thresholds. A …
sensitivity to subband noise by estimating just noticeable distortion (JND) thresholds. A …
Wavelet-based color image compression: exploiting the contrast sensitivity function
MJ Nadenau, J Reichel, M Kunt - IEEE Transactions on image …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The visual efficiency of an image compression technique depends directly on the amount of
visually significant information it retains. By" visually significant" we mean information to …
visually significant information it retains. By" visually significant" we mean information to …
A survey of perceptual image processing methods
Perceptual approaches have been widely used in many areas of visual information
processing. This paper presents an overview of perceptual based approaches for image …
processing. This paper presents an overview of perceptual based approaches for image …
Fast robust template matching for affine resistant image watermarks
S Pereira, T Pun - International Workshop on Information Hiding, 1999 - Springer
Digital watermarks have been proposed as a method for discouraging illicit copying and
distribution of copyrighted material. This paper describes a method for the secure and robust …
distribution of copyrighted material. This paper describes a method for the secure and robust …