Wavelet-based image coding: an overview

GM Davis, A Nosratinia - Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and …, 1999 - Springer
This chapter presents an overview of wavelet-based image coding. We develop the basics
of image coding with a discussion of vector quantization. We motivate the use of transform …

[BUKU][B] Digital watermarking and steganography

I Cox, M Miller, J Bloom, J Fridrich, T Kalker - 2007 - books.google.com
Digital audio, video, images, and documents are flying through cyberspace to their
respective owners. Unfortunately, along the way, individuals may choose to intervene and …

Image-adaptive watermarking using visual models

CI Podilchuk, W Zeng - IEEE Journal on selected areas in …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The huge success of the Internet allows for the transmission, wide distribution, and access of
electronic data in an effortless manner. Content providers are faced with the challenge of …

Perceptual watermarks for digital images and video

RB Wolfgang, CI Podilchuk, EJ Delp - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The growth of new imaging technologies has created a need for techniques that can be
used for copyright protection of digital images and video. One approach for copyright …

A stochastic approach to content adaptive digital image watermarking

S Voloshynovskiy, A Herrigel, N Baumgaertner… - … workshop on information …, 1999 - Springer
This paper presents a new stochastic approach which can be applied with different
watermark techniques. The approach is based on the computation of a Noise Visibility …

Perceptual DFT watermarking with improved detection and robustness to geometrical distortions

M Urvoy, D Goudia, F Autrusseau - IEEE Transactions on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
More than ever, the growing amount of exchanged digital content calls for efficient and
practical techniques to protect intellectual property rights. During the past two decades …

Structural similarity quality metrics in a coding context: exploring the space of realistic distortions

AC Brooks, X Zhao, TN Pappas - IEEE Transactions on image …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Perceptual image quality metrics have explicitly accounted for human visual system (HVS)
sensitivity to subband noise by estimating just noticeable distortion (JND) thresholds. A …

Wavelet-based color image compression: exploiting the contrast sensitivity function

MJ Nadenau, J Reichel, M Kunt - IEEE Transactions on image …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The visual efficiency of an image compression technique depends directly on the amount of
visually significant information it retains. By" visually significant" we mean information to …

A survey of perceptual image processing methods

A Beghdadi, MC Larabi, A Bouzerdoum… - Signal Processing …, 2013 - Elsevier
Perceptual approaches have been widely used in many areas of visual information
processing. This paper presents an overview of perceptual based approaches for image …

Fast robust template matching for affine resistant image watermarks

S Pereira, T Pun - International Workshop on Information Hiding, 1999 - Springer
Digital watermarks have been proposed as a method for discouraging illicit copying and
distribution of copyrighted material. This paper describes a method for the secure and robust …