Previously unrecognized primary factors in the demise of endangered torrey pines: A microcosm of global forest die-offs
J Herndon, D Williams… - Journal of Geography …, 2018 -
Objective: Forests worldwide are experiencing die-offs on an unprecedented scale. So too is
the endangered Torrey Pine, Pinus torreyana. Just as the global toxicity from acid rain was …
the endangered Torrey Pine, Pinus torreyana. Just as the global toxicity from acid rain was …
Microfungi associated with dying Euphorbia mauritanica in South Africa and their relative pathogenicity
Euphorbia mauritanica is a succulent shrub that is indigenous to South Africa and widely
distributed throughout the country. Dying plants have been observed in their natural habitat …
distributed throughout the country. Dying plants have been observed in their natural habitat …
Les auteurs soutiennent que les repré sentations techniques, scientifiques, mé dicales et de
santé publique pré senté es dans la litté rature scientifique en gé né ral, y compris dans …
santé publique pré senté es dans la litté rature scientifique en gé né ral, y compris dans …
Seasonal Flight Patterns of Curculionidae (Cossoninae and Scolytinae) Infesting Dying Euphorbia ingens in South Africa1
There is limited knowledge regarding the biology of beetles in Cossoninae and Scolytinae
(Curculionidae) in South Africa. It has recently been found that beetles in these two weevil …
(Curculionidae) in South Africa. It has recently been found that beetles in these two weevil …
[PDF][PDF] Factores primarios, no reconocidos anteriormente, relativos a la desaparición de los pinos de Torrey en peligro de extinción: un microcosmos de pérdidas …
JM Herndon, DD Williams, M Whiteside -
Objecto: Los bosques de todo el mundo están experimentando una mortandad sin
precedentes. También el Pino de Torrey, Pinus de Torreyana, se encuentra en peligro de …
precedentes. También el Pino de Torrey, Pinus de Torreyana, se encuentra en peligro de …