Machine learning techniques for automated melanoma detection
The malignant melanoma is one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer. Modern
Dermatology recognizes early diagnosis as a fundamental role in reducing the mortality rate …
Dermatology recognizes early diagnosis as a fundamental role in reducing the mortality rate …
Computing abductive explanations
We study the computation of constrained explanations in the framework of abductive logic
programming. A general characteristic of abductive reasoning is the existence of multiple …
programming. A general characteristic of abductive reasoning is the existence of multiple …
Existential active integrity constraints
Active integrity constraints (AICs) are a useful formalism to express integrity constraints and
policies to restore consistency in databases violating them. However, AICs do not allow …
policies to restore consistency in databases violating them. However, AICs do not allow …
A measure of arbitrariness in abductive explanations
We study the framework of abductive logic programming extended with integrity constraints.
For this framework, we introduce a new measure of the simplicity of an explanation based on …
For this framework, we introduce a new measure of the simplicity of an explanation based on …
[PDF][PDF] Enhancing the updatability of projective views
Updating a database by means of a set of views is a classical problem in database research,
known as the view update problem. It consists in “pushing back” the changes introduced into …
known as the view update problem. It consists in “pushing back” the changes introduced into …
A new rational algorithm for view updating in relational databases
The dynamics of belief and knowledge is one of the major components of any autonomous
system that should be able to incorporate new pieces of information. In order to apply the …
system that should be able to incorporate new pieces of information. In order to apply the …
Efficient maintenance of shortest distances in dynamic graphs
Computing shortest distances is a central task in many domains. The growing number of
applications dealing with dynamic graphs calls for incremental algorithms, as it is impractical …
applications dealing with dynamic graphs calls for incremental algorithms, as it is impractical …
Consistent query answering with prioritized active integrity constraints
Consistent query answering is a principled approach for querying inconsistent databases. It
relies on two basic notions: the notion of a repair, that is, a consistent database that" …
relies on two basic notions: the notion of a repair, that is, a consistent database that" …
Indefinite abductive explanations
This paper stems from previous works of the authors in which a new measure of the
simplicity of an explanation based on its degree of arbitrariness is proposed: The more the …
simplicity of an explanation based on its degree of arbitrariness is proposed: The more the …
Integrity constraints for general-purpose knowledge bases
Integrity constraints in databases have been studied extensively since the 1980s, and they
are considered essential to guarantee database integrity. In recent years, several authors …
are considered essential to guarantee database integrity. In recent years, several authors …