The role of mental effort in fostering self-regulated learning with problem-solving tasks
Problem-solving tasks form the backbone of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics) curricula. Yet, how to improve self-monitoring and self-regulation when …
mathematics) curricula. Yet, how to improve self-monitoring and self-regulation when …
The relation between students' effort and monitoring judgments during learning: A meta-analysis
Research has shown a bi-directional association between the (perceived) amount of
invested effort to learn or retrieve information (eg, time, mental effort) and metacognitive …
invested effort to learn or retrieve information (eg, time, mental effort) and metacognitive …
Calibrating calibration: A meta-analysis of learning strategy instruction interventions to improve metacognitive monitoring accuracy.
AP Gutierrez de Blume - Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Monitoring, a regulation of cognition component of metacognition, is an essential aspect of
self-regulated learning. Monitoring is recognized as learners' ability to successfully …
self-regulated learning. Monitoring is recognized as learners' ability to successfully …
Drawing-to-learn: does meta-analysis show differences between technology-based drawing and paper-and-pencil drawing?
Drawing-to-learn is a specific learning/reading strategy studied across many domains. In
response to gaps in our knowledge about drawing-to-learn, we conducted a systematic meta …
response to gaps in our knowledge about drawing-to-learn, we conducted a systematic meta …
The relation between perceived mental effort, monitoring judgments, and learning outcomes: A meta-analysis
Accurately monitoring one's learning processes during self-regulated learning depends on
using the right cues, one of which could be perceived mental effort. A meta-analysis by …
using the right cues, one of which could be perceived mental effort. A meta-analysis by …
Map** and drawing to improve students' and teachers' monitoring and regulation of students' learning from text: Current findings and future directions
For (facilitating) effective learning from texts, students and teachers need to accurately
monitor students' comprehension. Monitoring judgments are accurate when they correspond …
monitor students' comprehension. Monitoring judgments are accurate when they correspond …
Students' and teachers' monitoring and regulation of students' text comprehension: Effects of comprehension cue availability
For regulation of text learning to be effective, students need to accurately monitor their text
comprehension. Similarly, to provide adaptive instruction, teachers need to accurately …
comprehension. Similarly, to provide adaptive instruction, teachers need to accurately …
The impact of cooperation and competition on metacognitive monitoring in classroom context
Metacognitive monitoring skills are crucial for middle school students to improve academic
performance and promote self-regulation. The current study examined the effect of social …
performance and promote self-regulation. The current study examined the effect of social …
Dreamstory: Open-domain story visualization by llm-guided multi-subject consistent diffusion
Story visualization aims to create visually compelling images or videos corresponding to
textual narratives. Despite recent advances in diffusion models yielding promising results …
textual narratives. Despite recent advances in diffusion models yielding promising results …
Проблемы современного педагогического образования
ММ ИВАНОВА - Проблемы современного педагогического …, 2021 - elibrary.ru
Данная научная статья посвящена актуальной проблеме, связанной с формированием
познавательного обучающихся интереса к учебным предметам в современной школе …
познавательного обучающихся интереса к учебным предметам в современной школе …