Free vibration of two elastically coupled rectangular plates with uniform elastic boundary restraints

J Du, WL Li, Z Liu, T Yang, G ** - Journal of sound and vibration, 2011 - Elsevier
An analytical method is derived for determining the vibrations of two plates which are
generally supported along the boundary edges, and elastically coupled together at an …

An analytic method for vibration analysis of non-uniformly coupled L-shaped plates with arbitrary boundary conditions

K **e, K Xu, W Dong, M Chen - Thin-Walled Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
L-shaped plates are extensively utilized in practical engineering and plates are uniformly
coupled in most previous studies. However, spot welding, riveting or bolting is also …

Vibration behaviors of a box-type structure built up by plates and energy transmission through the structure

Y Chen, G **, M Zhu, Z Liu, J Du, WL Li - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012 - Elsevier
The vibration behaviors of a box-type built-up structure and energy transmission through the
structure are investigated analytically. The modeling of the structure is developed by …

Vibration transmission and energy flow analysis of L-shaped laminated composite structure based on a substructure method

C Zhu, J Yang, C Rudd - Thin-Walled Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
This study investigates the vibration power flow characteristics of a harmonically excited L-
shaped laminated composite structure with flat sub-plates connected at a right angle. A …

Investigation on dynamic performances of a set of composite laminated plate system under the influences of boundary and coupling conditions

D Shao, Q Wang, C Shuai, J Gu - Mechanical Systems and Signal …, 2019 - Elsevier
The method of reverberation-ray matrix (MRRM) is adopted to analyze the dynamic
performance including the free vibration and power-low transfer characteristics of the …

Aero-thermo-elastic flutter analysis of coupled plate structures in supersonic flow with general boundary conditions

K Zhou, X Huang, Z Zhang, H Hua - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018 - Elsevier
The coupled plates are commonly seen in flight vehicle structures, which are always
subjected to a severe combination of thermal, aerodynamic and mechanical loads during …

Single domain Chebyshev spectral method for analyses of the vibroacoustic characteristics of baffled irregularly shaped plates

T Zhao, T Ye, Y Chen, G **, Z Liu - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2024 - Elsevier
In this study a Chebyshev spectral method is introduced to analyse the vibroacoustic
characteristics of plates with arbitrary shape. This approach involves a unique expansion of …

Structural intensity of laminated composite plates subjected to distributed force excitation

C Zhu, G Li, S Ruan, J Yang - Journal of Vibration Engineering & …, 2023 - Springer
Purpose The vibration energy transmission characteristics of laminated composite plates
with straight or variable angle fiber paths subjected to distributed force excitations are …

Dynamics and power flow control of irregular elastic coupled plate systems: precise modeling and experimental validation

Q Wang, F **e, B Qin, R Zhong, H Yu - International Journal of Mechanical …, 2020 - Elsevier
The vibration characteristics of irregular elastic coupled plate systems are studied by
Chebyshev-Ritz method in this paper, including dynamics and power flow control. Firstly, the …

Vibration characteristics and power flow analysis of irregular composite coupling laminated plate structures

R Zhong, F **e, Q Wang, B Qin… - Mechanics of Advanced …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This article presents a predictive model to investigate the vibration and power flow
characteristics of irregular composite coupling laminated plates based on the 2D Chebyshev …