Illuminating firefly diversity: trends, threats and conservation strategies
Simple Summary Fireflies are a fascinating family of bioluminescent beetles with diverse
lifestyles and behaviors. This review summarizes new findings on their taxonomic and …
lifestyles and behaviors. This review summarizes new findings on their taxonomic and …
Validating species distribution models to illuminate coastal fireflies in the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
The coastal areas of Vanuatu are under a multitude of threats stemming from
commercialization, human development, and climate change. Atyphella Olliff is a genus of …
commercialization, human development, and climate change. Atyphella Olliff is a genus of …
Lights ahead: morphology and life stages of the spotted tortoise firefly, Aspisoma sticticum Gemminger, 1870–fireflies with a unique extra pair of lanterns on the larval …
Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) spend most of their lives as larvae. Nevertheless,
immature stages of over 99% of species remain unknown, which gives an incomplete picture …
immature stages of over 99% of species remain unknown, which gives an incomplete picture …
Natural history and ecological niche modelling of coastal Atyphella Olliff Larvae (Lampyridae: Luciolinae) in Vanuatu
ABSTRACT The genus Atyphella Olliff includes several coastal species with larvae that were
collected on coastal rock within the intertidal zone. Recent fieldwork in Vanuatu has …
collected on coastal rock within the intertidal zone. Recent fieldwork in Vanuatu has …