fMRI reveals language-specific predictive coding during naturalistic sentence comprehension
Much research in cognitive neuroscience supports prediction as a canonical computation of
cognition across domains. Is such predictive coding implemented by feedback from higher …
cognition across domains. Is such predictive coding implemented by feedback from higher …
Robust effects of working memory demand during naturalistic language comprehension in language-selective cortex
To understand language, we must infer structured meanings from real-time auditory or visual
signals. Researchers have long focused on word-by-word structure building in working …
signals. Researchers have long focused on word-by-word structure building in working …
Comparison of structural parsers and neural language models as surprisal estimators
Expectation-based theories of sentence processing posit that processing difficulty is
determined by predictability in context. While predictability quantified via surprisal has …
determined by predictability in context. While predictability quantified via surprisal has …
Single‐stage prediction models do not explain the magnitude of syntactic disambiguation difficulty
The disambiguation of a syntactically ambiguous sentence in favor of a less preferred parse
can lead to slower reading at the disambiguation point. This phenomenon, referred to as a …
can lead to slower reading at the disambiguation point. This phenomenon, referred to as a …
The Natural Stories corpus: a reading-time corpus of English texts containing rare syntactic constructions
It is now a common practice to compare models of human language processing by
comparing how well they predict behavioral and neural measures of processing difficulty …
comparing how well they predict behavioral and neural measures of processing difficulty …
The linearity of the effect of surprisal on reading times across languages
In psycholinguistics, surprisal theory posits that the amount of online processing effort
expended by a human comprehender per word positively correlates with the surprisal of that …
expended by a human comprehender per word positively correlates with the surprisal of that …
Word frequency and predictability dissociate in naturalistic reading
C Shain - Open Mind, 2024 - direct.mit.edu
Many studies of human language processing have shown that readers slow down at less
frequent or less predictable words, but there is debate about whether frequency and …
frequent or less predictable words, but there is debate about whether frequency and …
The natural stories corpus
It is now a common practice to compare models of human language processing by
comparing how well they predict behavioral and neural measures of processing difficulty …
comparing how well they predict behavioral and neural measures of processing difficulty …
A-maze of Natural Stories: Comprehension and surprisal in the Maze task
Two chief results of human language processing research are that comprehension is highly
incremental and that comprehension difficulty is differential and localized. Incrementality in …
incremental and that comprehension difficulty is differential and localized. Incrementality in …
A large-scale study of the effects of word frequency and predictability in naturalistic reading
C Shain - Proceedings of the 2019 conference of the north …, 2019 - aclanthology.org
A number of psycholinguistic studies have factorially manipulated words' contextual
predictabilities and corpus frequencies and shown separable effects of each on measures of …
predictabilities and corpus frequencies and shown separable effects of each on measures of …