Remotely sensed primary productivity shows that domestic and native herbivores combined are overgrazing Patagonia
G Oliva, P Paredes, D Ferrante… - Journal of Applied …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Carrying capacity is the maximum animal density an area can sustain without deterioration
of its resources. Overgrazing has degraded Patagonia, but sheep stocks decreased and …
of its resources. Overgrazing has degraded Patagonia, but sheep stocks decreased and …
Remote sensing estimation of net primary production as monitoring indicator of holm oak savanna management
PJ Gómez-Giráldez, C Aguilar, AB Caño… - Ecological …, 2019 - Elsevier
The management of large areas such as the dehesa (a multifunctional agrosilvopastoral
system), with approximately 3 million ha in the Iberian Peninsula, requires effective tools to …
system), with approximately 3 million ha in the Iberian Peninsula, requires effective tools to …
Discriminating the biophysical signal from human‐induced effects on long‐term primary production dynamics. The case of Patagonia
The temporal trend of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is frequently used to
estimate the effect of humans on ecosystems. In water‐limited ecosystems, like most grazing …
estimate the effect of humans on ecosystems. In water‐limited ecosystems, like most grazing …
Space-time quantification of aboveground net primary productivity service supply capacity in high Andean bofedales using remote sensors
D Cano, A Crispin, M Custodio… - Journal of Water and …, 2023 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
The aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of bofedales is one of the most important
indicators for the provision of ecosystem services in the high Andean areas. In the case of …
indicators for the provision of ecosystem services in the high Andean areas. In the case of …
Primary production of lowland natural grasslands and upland sown pastures across a narrow climatic gradient
Variation in aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is usually studied across wide
environmental gradients focusing on spatial averages of zonal natural communities. We …
environmental gradients focusing on spatial averages of zonal natural communities. We …
Caracterización del régimen de incendios, su relación con el clima y su efecto en la resiliencia y estructura de la vegetación
MA Landi - 2018 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
Los incendios son complejos procesos ecológicos que poseen la capacidad de modelar los
patrones de distribución, composición y estructura de la vegetación a distintas escalas …
patrones de distribución, composición y estructura de la vegetación a distintas escalas …
[PDF][PDF] para la Producción Animal
MAHMC Saucede, SB Gil - researchgate.net
El uso de sensores remotos para monitorear, evaluar y planificar sistemas ganaderos de
base pastoril ha cobrado una creciente importancia en los últimos años (Altesor et al., 2011 …
base pastoril ha cobrado una creciente importancia en los últimos años (Altesor et al., 2011 …
[PDF][PDF] La productividad primaria evaluada por sensores remotos demuestra que los herbívoros nativos y domésticos combinados están sobrepastoreando la …
G Oliva, P Paredes, D Ferrante, C Cepeda… - 2019 - researchgate.net
La capacidad de carga es la densidad animal máxima que un área puede sostener sin
deteriorar sus recursos. El sobrepastoreo ovino ha degradado la Patagonia, pero se redujo …
deteriorar sus recursos. El sobrepastoreo ovino ha degradado la Patagonia, pero se redujo …
It is okay to be average when quantifying rangeland dynamics Comment on: Easdale, MH & Bruzzone, O. 2015: Anchored in'average thinking'in studies of arid …
Easdale and Bruzzone (2015) recently indicated that to better capture temporal patterns of
rangeland dynamics, there is a need to move forward from simple measures of variability …
rangeland dynamics, there is a need to move forward from simple measures of variability …