Mass dimension one fermions: Constructing darkness

DV Ahluwalia, JMH da Silva, CY Lee, YX Liu… - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Let Θ be the Wigner time reversal operator for spin half and let ϕ be a Weyl spinor. Then, for
a left-transforming ϕ, the construct ζ λ Θ ϕ∗ yields a right-transforming spinor. If instead, ϕ is …

Constraints on mass dimension one fermionic dark matter from the Yukawa interaction

M Dias, CY Lee - Physical Review D, 2016 - APS
We study the loop corrections to the scalar propagator and the fermionic self-energy for the
mass dimension one fermionic dark matter with the Yukawa interaction. We find, in the …

[KNYGA][B] Mass dimension one fermions

D Ahluwalia - 2019 -
In 2005, Dharam Ahluwalia and Daniel Grumiller reported an unexpected theoretical
discovery of mass dimension one fermions. These are an entirely new class of spin one half …

Irreducible representations of the Poincaré group with reflections and two-fold Wigner degeneracy

DV Ahluwalia, GB de Gracia, JM Hoff da Silva… - Journal of High Energy …, 2024 - Springer
A bstract Not all complete set of spinors can be used as expansion coefficients of a quantum
field. In fact, Steven Weinberg established the uniqueness of Dirac spinors for this purpose …

The theory of local mass dimension one fermions of spin one half

DV Ahluwalia - Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2017 - Springer
About a decade ago the present author in collaboration with Daniel Grumiller presented an
'unexpected theoretical discovery'of spin one-half fermions with mass dimension one …

[HTML][HTML] Fermionic dark matter-photon quantum interaction: A mechanism for darkness

GB de Gracia, AA Nogueira, R da Rocha - Nuclear Physics B, 2023 - Elsevier
Mass dimension one fermionic fields are prime candidates to describe dark matter, due to
their intrinsic neutral nature, as they are constructed as eigenstates of the charge …

Evading Weinberg's no-go theorem to construct mass dimension one fermions: Constructing darkness

DV Ahluwalia - Europhysics Letters, 2017 -
Recent theoretical work reporting the construction of a new quantum field of spin one-half
fermions with mass dimension one requires that Weinberg's no-go theorem must be evaded …

On Wigner degeneracy in Elko theory: Hermiticity and dark matter

GB de Gracia, R da Rocha, RJB Rogerio… - Physics of the Dark …, 2025 - Elsevier
In this paper, we provide a set of Hermitian interactions for quantum fields based on Elko,
considering the recent achievements concerning the most general form of singular spinors …

Irreducible representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group with two-fold Wigner degeneracy

DV Ahluwalia, GB de Gracia, JMH da Silva… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
Not all complete set of spinors can be used as expansion coefficients of a quantum field. In
fact, Steven Weinberg established the uniqueness of Dirac spinors for this purpose …

The Casimir effect for the scalar and Elko fields in a Lifshitz-like field theory

RV Maluf, DM Dantas, CAS Almeida - The European Physical Journal C, 2020 - Springer
In this work, we obtain the Casimir energy for the real scalar field and the Elko neutral spinor
field in a field theory at a Lifshitz fixed point (LP). We analyze the massless and the massive …