Non-perennial segments in river networks
Non-perennial river segments—those that recurrently cease to flow or frequently dry—occur
in all river networks and are globally more abundant than perennial (always flowing) …
in all river networks and are globally more abundant than perennial (always flowing) …
Causes, responses, and implications of anthropogenic versus natural flow intermittence in river networks
Rivers that do not flow year-round are the predominant type of running waters on Earth.
Despite a burgeoning literature on natural flow intermittence (NFI), knowledge about the …
Despite a burgeoning literature on natural flow intermittence (NFI), knowledge about the …
Global prevalence of non-perennial rivers and streams
Flowing waters have a unique role in supporting global biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles
and human societies,,,–. Although the importance of permanent watercourses is well …
and human societies,,,–. Although the importance of permanent watercourses is well …
Pervasive changes in stream intermittency across the United States
Non-perennial streams are widespread, critical to ecosystems and society, and the subject
of ongoing policy debate. Prior large-scale research on stream intermittency has been …
of ongoing policy debate. Prior large-scale research on stream intermittency has been …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of long-term climate change on flow regime in a Mediterranean basin
Abstract Study region Catchment in Southern Italy Study focus The flow regime of
intermittent rivers is very sensitive to anthropogenic pressures and climate change (CC) …
intermittent rivers is very sensitive to anthropogenic pressures and climate change (CC) …
[HTML][HTML] Classification and trends in intermittent river flow regimes in Australia, northwestern Europe and USA: A global perspective
This study examines the spatial and temporal variability of flow intermittence over the period
1970–2018 across four countries (Australia, France, UK and the conterminous USA) …
1970–2018 across four countries (Australia, France, UK and the conterminous USA) …
Riverine macroplastic gradient along watercourses: A global overview
Nowadays, plastics represent growing concern in aquatic habitats, harming more and more
both ecosystem and human health. Since rivers are the main carriers of plastics to the sea …
both ecosystem and human health. Since rivers are the main carriers of plastics to the sea …
Flow intermittence prediction using a hybrid hydrological modelling approach: influence of observed intermittence data on the training of a random forest model
Rivers are rich in biodiversity and act as ecological corridors for plant and animal species.
With climate change and increasing anthropogenic water demand, more frequent and …
With climate change and increasing anthropogenic water demand, more frequent and …
The effects of drought on biodiversity in UK river ecosystems: Drying rivers in a wet country
Climate change is interacting with water resource pressures to alter the frequency, severity
and spatial extent of drought, which can thus no longer be considered a purely natural …
and spatial extent of drought, which can thus no longer be considered a purely natural …
[HTML][HTML] Rethinking ecosystem service indicators for their application to intermittent rivers
In these times of strong pressure on aquatic ecosystems and water resources due to climate
change and water abstraction, intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES)(rivers that …
change and water abstraction, intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES)(rivers that …