Modeling human decisions in coupled human and natural systems: Review of agent-based models
Coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) manifest various complexities such as
heterogeneity, nonlinearity, feedback, and emergence. Humans play a critical role in …
heterogeneity, nonlinearity, feedback, and emergence. Humans play a critical role in …
Modelling biodiversity change in agricultural landscape scenarios-A review and prospects for future research
Increased intensity of agriculture and landscape homogenization are threatening
biodiversity in landscapes. We reviewed 67 case studies addressing the impact of …
biodiversity in landscapes. We reviewed 67 case studies addressing the impact of …
Remote sensing in landscape ecology: experiences and perspectives in a European context
That the relationship between remote sensing and landscape ecology is significant is due in
large part to the strong spatial component within landscape ecology. However it is …
large part to the strong spatial component within landscape ecology. However it is …
Modelling farmer decision-making to anticipate tradeoffs between provisioning ecosystem services and biodiversity
In this paper, an agent-based model of heterogeneous farmer decision-making was coupled
with an individual-based model of skylark breeding populations, and applied to a small …
with an individual-based model of skylark breeding populations, and applied to a small …
Synthesis of pattern and process in biodiversity conservation assessment: A flexible whole‐landscape modelling framework
Aim To describe a general modelling framework for integrating multiple pattern‐and process‐
related factors into biodiversity conservation assessments across whole landscapes …
related factors into biodiversity conservation assessments across whole landscapes …
A multi-model framework for simulating wildlife population response to land-use and climate change
Reliable assessments of how human activities will affect wildlife populations are essential
for making scientifically defensible resource management decisions. A principle challenge …
for making scientifically defensible resource management decisions. A principle challenge …
Agent-based modelling and simulation applied to environmental management
The purpose of this chapter is to summarize how agent-based modelling and simulation
(ABMS) is being used in the area of environmental management. With the science of …
(ABMS) is being used in the area of environmental management. With the science of …
Towards a landscape scale management of pesticides: ERA using changes in modelled occupancy and abundance to assess long-term population impacts of …
Pesticides are regulated in Europe and this process includes an environmental risk
assessment (ERA) for non-target arthropods (NTA). Traditionally a non-spatial or field trial …
assessment (ERA) for non-target arthropods (NTA). Traditionally a non-spatial or field trial …
A Bayesian sensitivity analysis applied to an Agent-based model of bird population response to landscape change
Agricultural land management has important impacts on land use and vegetation that can
rapidly induce ecosystem change. Birds are often used as indicators of such impacts of …
rapidly induce ecosystem change. Birds are often used as indicators of such impacts of …
Biodiversity and the mitigation of climate change through bioenergy: impacts of increased maize cultivation on farmland wildlife
The public promotion of renewable energies is expected to increase the number of biogas
plants and stimulate energy crops cultivation (eg maize) in Germany. In order to assess the …
plants and stimulate energy crops cultivation (eg maize) in Germany. In order to assess the …