[HTML][HTML] Research Progress on Current-Carrying Friction with High Stability and Excellent Tribological Behavior

P Wei, X Wang, G **g, F Li, P Bai, Y Tian - Lubricants, 2024 - mdpi.com
Current-carrying friction affects electrical contact systems like switches, motors, and slip
rings, which determines their performance and lifespan. Researchers have found that …

Cavity-enhanced transport of charge

D Hagenmüller, J Schachenmayer, S Schütz, C Genes… - Physical review …, 2017 - APS
We theoretically investigate charge transport through electronic bands of a mesoscopic one-
dimensional system, where interband transitions are coupled to a confined cavity mode …

Non-Hermitian linear response theory

L Pan, X Chen, Y Chen, H Zhai - Nature Physics, 2020 - nature.com
Linear response theory lies at the heart of studying quantum matters, because it connects
the dynamical response of a quantum system to an external probe to correlation functions of …

Switching behavior of a heterostructure based on periodically doped graphene nanoribbon

S Wang, NT Hung, H Tian, MS Islam, R Saito - Physical Review Applied, 2021 - APS
We theoretically propose a switching device that operates at room temperature. The device
is an in-plane heterostructure based on a periodically boron-doped (nitrogen-doped) …

Computational perspective on recent advances in quantum electronics: from electron quantum optics to nanoelectronic devices and systems

J Weinbub, R Kosik - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Quantum electronics has significantly evolved over the last decades. Where initially the clear
focus was on light–matter interactions, nowadays approaches based on the electron's wave …

Loss of Hall conductivity quantization in a non-Hermitian quantum anomalous Hall insulator

TM Philip, MR Hirsbrunner, MJ Gilbert - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
Recent work has extended topological band theory to open, non-Hermitian Hamiltonians,
yet little is understood about how non-Hermiticity alters the topological quantization of …

Large random arrowhead matrices: Multifractality, semilocalization, and protected transport in disordered quantum spins coupled to a cavity

J Dubail, T Botzung, J Schachenmayer, G Pupillo… - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
Large arrowhead matrices with randomly distributed entries describe a variety of important
phenomena where a degree of freedom is nonlocally coupled to a disordered continuum of …

Cavity-assisted mesoscopic transport of fermions: Coherent and dissipative dynamics

D Hagenmüller, S Schütz, J Schachenmayer, C Genes… - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We study the interplay between charge transport and light-matter interactions in a confined
geometry by considering an open, mesoscopic chain of two-orbital systems resonantly …

Minimum contact resistance in monoelemental 2D material nanodevices with edge-contacts

M Poljak, M Matić, A Zeljko - IEEE electron device letters, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We use atomistic quantum transport device simulations to investigate the contact resistance
(RC) in monoelemental 2D material nanoribbon MOSFETs with edge contacts. The …

Graphene nanoribbon spin-photodetector

S Zamani, R Farghadan - Physical Review Applied, 2018 - APS
We introduce a concept to generate spin-polarized currents in graphene nanoribbons by
using light radiation and a significant electron-electron interaction. For this purpose, we …