Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of interacting particles

F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev, LF Santos, VG Zelevinsky - Physics Reports, 2016 - Elsevier
This review is devoted to the problem of thermalization in a small isolated conglomerate of
interacting constituents. A variety of physically important systems of intensive current interest …

Onset of chaos and relaxation in isolated systems of interacting spins: Energy shell approach

LF Santos, F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev - … E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter …, 2012 - APS
We study the onset of chaos and statistical relaxation in two isolated dynamical quantum
systems of interacting spins 1/2, one of which is integrable and the other chaotic. Our …

Chaos and statistical relaxation in quantum systems of interacting particles

LF Santos, F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev - Physical review letters, 2012 - APS
We study the transition to chaos and the emergence of statistical relaxation in isolated
dynamical quantum systems of interacting particles. Our approach is based on the concept …

Timescales in the quench dynamics of many-body quantum systems: Participation ratio versus out-of-time ordered correlator

F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev, LF Santos - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
We study quench dynamics in the many-body Hilbert space using two isolated systems with
a finite number of interacting particles: a paradigmatic model of randomly interacting bosons …

An investigation of the parameter space for a family of dissipative map**s

JA De Oliveira, LT Montero, DR Da Costa… - … Journal of Nonlinear …, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
The parameter plane investigation for a family of two-dimensional, nonlinear, and area
contracting map is made. Several dynamical features in the system such as tangent, period …

Corrugated waveguide under scaling investigation

ED Leonel - Physical Review Letters, 2007 - APS
Some scaling properties for classical light ray dynamics inside a periodically corrugated
waveguide are studied by use of a simplified two-dimensional nonlinear area-preserving …

Periodic chaotic billiards: Quantum-classical correspondence in energy space

GA Luna-Acosta, JA Méndez-Bermúdez, FM Izrailev - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
We investigate the properties of eigenstates and local density of states (LDOS) for a periodic
two-dimensional rippled billiard, focusing on their quantum-classical correspondence in …

[HTML][HTML] Manifestation of classical instability in the quantum density of states of a double well potential

DJ Nader, JR Hernández-González… - Physics Letters A, 2023 - Elsevier
Within Bohr's correspondence principle, quantum theory should reproduce the classical
world when ħ→ 0. In practice, obtaining the complete spectrum is challenging since the …

Classical versus quantum structure of the scattering probability matrix: Chaotic waveguides

GA Luna-Acosta, JA Méndez-Bermúdez, P Šeba… - Physical Review E, 2002 - APS
The purely classical counterpart of the scattering probability matrix (SPM)| S n, m| 2 of the
quantum scattering matrix S is defined for two-dimensional quantum waveguides for an …

Quantum–classical correspondence for isolated systems of interacting particles: Localization and ergodicity in energy space

FM Izrailev - Physica Scripta, 2001 - iopscience.iop.org
Generic properties of the strength function (local density of states (LDOS)) and chaotic
eigenstates are analyzed for isolated systems of interacting particles. Both random matrix …