Operating system verification—an overview

G Klein - Sadhana, 2009 - Springer
This paper gives a high-level introduction to the topic of formal, interactive, machine-
checked software verification in general, and the verification of operating systems code in …

Integration verification across software and hardware for a simple embedded system

A Erbsen, S Gruetter, J Choi, C Wood… - Proceedings of the 42nd …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
The interfaces between layers of a system are susceptible to bugs if developers of adjacent
layers proceed under subtly different assumptions. Formal verification of two layers against …

Automating information flow analysis of low level code

M Balliu, M Dam, R Guanciale - Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Low level code is challenging: It lacks structure, it uses jumps and symbolic addresses, the
control flow is often highly optimized, and registers and memory locations may be reused in …

Pancake: verified systems programming made sweeter

JÅ Pohjola, HT Syeda, M Tanaka, K Winter… - Proceedings of the 12th …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
We introduce Pancake, a new language for verifiable, low-level systems programming,
especially device drivers. Pancake eschews complex type systems to make the language …

Computing Simulations over Tree Automata: (Efficient Techniques for Reducing Tree Automata)

PA Abdulla, A Bouajjani, L Holík, L Kaati… - … Conference on Tools …, 2008 - Springer
We address the problem of computing simulation relations over tree automata. In particular,
we consider downward and upward simulations on tree automata, which are, loosely …

Balancing the load: Leveraging a semantics stack for systems verification

E Alkassar, MA Hillebrand, DC Leinenbach… - Journal of Automated …, 2009 - Springer
We have developed a stack of semantics for a high-level C-like language and low-level
assembly code, which has been carefully crafted to support the pervasive verification of …

Formal pervasive verification of a paging mechanism

E Alkassar, N Schirmer, A Starostin - … on Tools and Algorithms for the …, 2008 - Springer
Memory virtualization by means of demand paging is a crucial component of every modern
operating system. The formal verification is challenging since reasoning about the page fault …

Formal functional verification of device drivers

E Alkassar, MA Hillebrand - … on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and …, 2008 - Springer
We report on the formal functional verification of a simple device driver for an ATAPI hard
disk in Isabelle/HOL. The proof is based on a functional model of the hard disk, which has …

Pervasive compiler verification–from verified programs to verified systems

D Leinenbach, E Petrova - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer …, 2008 - Elsevier
We report in this paper on the formal verification of a simple compiler for the C-like
programming language C0. The compiler correctness proof meets the special requirements …

[PDF][PDF] Correctness proofs for device drivers in embedded systems

J Duan, J Regehr - 5th International Workshop on Systems Software …, 2010 - usenix.org
Computer systems do not exist in isolation: they must interact with the world through I/O
devices. Our work, which focuses on constrained embedded systems, provides a framework …