Critical state models in computational geomechanics

A Gens, DM Potts - Engineering Computations, 1988 -
Elasto‐plastic models based on critical state formulations have been successful in
describing many of the most important features of the mechanical behaviour of soils. This …

[Књига][B] The pressuremeter

JL Briaud - 2019 -
This classic title deals presents all one needs to know about pressuremeter test, a soil and
rock test used in civil engineering. It consists of placing a cylindrical probe in the ground and …

[Књига][B] Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics

DM Wood - 1990 -
Soils can rarely be described as ideally elastic or perfectly plastic and yet simple elastic and
plastic models form the basis for the most traditional geotechnical engineering calculations …

[Књига][B] Piling engineering

K Fleming, A Weltman, M Randolph, K Elson - 2008 -
Piling is a fast-moving field and recent years have seen major advances in theory, methods,
testing procedures and equipment. Some of these changes have been driven by the need …

Science and empiricism in pile foundation design

MF Randolph - Géotechnique, 2003 -
Scientific approaches to pile design have advanced enormously in recent decades and yet,
still, the most fundamental aspect of pile design—that of estimating the axial capacity—relies …

An analytical study of the cone penetration test in clay

CI Teh, GT Houlsby - Geotechnique, 1991 -
This Paper describes an analysis of the quasi-static penetration of a cone penetrometer into
clay. The clay is idealized as a homogeneous elastic–perfectly plastic material obeying tbe …

Pile behaviour—theory and application

HG Poulos - Geotechnique, 1989 -
This paper discusses the application of theory to the analysis of pile foundation behaviour
under axial loading. A classification system is suggested for pile analysis and design …

[Књига][B] Cavity expansion methods in geomechanics

HS Yu - 2013 -
Cavity expansion theory is a simple theory that has found many applications in geotechnical
engineering. In particular, it has been used widely to analyse problems relating to deep …

Cavity expansion in cohesive frictional soils

JP Carter, JR Booker, SK Yeung - Geotechnique, 1986 -
Closed form solutions are presented for the expansion of cylindrical and spherical cavities in
an ideal, cohesive frictional soil. An explicit solution for the pressure-expansion relationship …

Theoretical t-z Curves

LM Kraft Jr, RP Ray, T Kagawa - Journal of the Geotechnical …, 1981 -
Most procedures to compute the tz (stress-displacement) response for axial pile loading are
empirical, based mostly on data for pile diameters less than 18 in.(0.15 m) and pile …