Critical state models in computational geomechanics
Elasto‐plastic models based on critical state formulations have been successful in
describing many of the most important features of the mechanical behaviour of soils. This …
describing many of the most important features of the mechanical behaviour of soils. This …
[Књига][B] The pressuremeter
JL Briaud - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This classic title deals presents all one needs to know about pressuremeter test, a soil and
rock test used in civil engineering. It consists of placing a cylindrical probe in the ground and …
rock test used in civil engineering. It consists of placing a cylindrical probe in the ground and …
[Књига][B] Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics
DM Wood - 1990 - books.google.com
Soils can rarely be described as ideally elastic or perfectly plastic and yet simple elastic and
plastic models form the basis for the most traditional geotechnical engineering calculations …
plastic models form the basis for the most traditional geotechnical engineering calculations …
[Књига][B] Piling engineering
K Fleming, A Weltman, M Randolph, K Elson - 2008 - books.google.com
Piling is a fast-moving field and recent years have seen major advances in theory, methods,
testing procedures and equipment. Some of these changes have been driven by the need …
testing procedures and equipment. Some of these changes have been driven by the need …
Science and empiricism in pile foundation design
MF Randolph - Géotechnique, 2003 - icevirtuallibrary.com
Scientific approaches to pile design have advanced enormously in recent decades and yet,
still, the most fundamental aspect of pile design—that of estimating the axial capacity—relies …
still, the most fundamental aspect of pile design—that of estimating the axial capacity—relies …
An analytical study of the cone penetration test in clay
CI Teh, GT Houlsby - Geotechnique, 1991 - icevirtuallibrary.com
This Paper describes an analysis of the quasi-static penetration of a cone penetrometer into
clay. The clay is idealized as a homogeneous elastic–perfectly plastic material obeying tbe …
clay. The clay is idealized as a homogeneous elastic–perfectly plastic material obeying tbe …
Pile behaviour—theory and application
HG Poulos - Geotechnique, 1989 - icevirtuallibrary.com
This paper discusses the application of theory to the analysis of pile foundation behaviour
under axial loading. A classification system is suggested for pile analysis and design …
under axial loading. A classification system is suggested for pile analysis and design …
[Књига][B] Cavity expansion methods in geomechanics
HS Yu - 2013 - books.google.com
Cavity expansion theory is a simple theory that has found many applications in geotechnical
engineering. In particular, it has been used widely to analyse problems relating to deep …
engineering. In particular, it has been used widely to analyse problems relating to deep …
Cavity expansion in cohesive frictional soils
JP Carter, JR Booker, SK Yeung - Geotechnique, 1986 - icevirtuallibrary.com
Closed form solutions are presented for the expansion of cylindrical and spherical cavities in
an ideal, cohesive frictional soil. An explicit solution for the pressure-expansion relationship …
an ideal, cohesive frictional soil. An explicit solution for the pressure-expansion relationship …
Theoretical t-z Curves
LM Kraft Jr, RP Ray, T Kagawa - Journal of the Geotechnical …, 1981 - ascelibrary.org
Most procedures to compute the tz (stress-displacement) response for axial pile loading are
empirical, based mostly on data for pile diameters less than 18 in.(0.15 m) and pile …
empirical, based mostly on data for pile diameters less than 18 in.(0.15 m) and pile …