Embedding RCC8D in the collective spatial logic CSLCS
Discrete mereotopology is a logical theory for the specification of qualitative spatial functions
and relations defined over a discrete space, intended as a set of basic elements, the pixels …
and relations defined over a discrete space, intended as a set of basic elements, the pixels …
IRON: Reliable domain specific language for programming IoT devices
A domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language that is specialized to a
particular application domain. IRON is a DSL for the IoT domain which allows not only to …
particular application domain. IRON is a DSL for the IoT domain which allows not only to …
Multi-level adaptation in end-user development of 3D virtual chemistry experiments
C Liu, Y Zhong - Social Media and Networking: Concepts …, 2016 - igi-global.com
Multi-level adaptation in end-user development (EUD) is an effective way to enable non-
technical end users such as educators to gradually introduce more functionality with …
technical end users such as educators to gradually introduce more functionality with …
Uniformity in Multiscale Models: From Complex Automata to BioShape.
Many biological phenomena are inherently multiscale (MS)-ie they are characterised by
interactions involving simultaneously different spatial and temporal scales. The needs of …
interactions involving simultaneously different spatial and temporal scales. The needs of …
[КНИГА][B] iVirtualworld: A domain-oriented end-user development environment for building 3D virtual chemistry experiments
Y Zhong - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Virtual worlds are well-suited for building virtual laboratories for educational purposes to
complement hands-on physical laboratories. However, educators may face technical …
complement hands-on physical laboratories. However, educators may face technical …