Fundamentals of Stein's method

N Ross - 2011 -
This survey article discusses the main concepts and techniques of Stein's method for
distributional approximation by the normal, Poisson, exponential, and geometric …

Recent progress in coalescent theory

N Berestycki - arxiv preprint arxiv:0909.3985, 2009 -
Coalescent theory is the study of random processes where particles may join each other to
form clusters as time evolves. These notes provide an introduction to some aspects of the …

[КНИГА][B] Analytic combinatorics

P Flajolet, R Sedgewick - 2009 -
Analytic combinatorics aims to enable precise quantitative predictions of the properties of
large combinatorial structures. The theory has emerged over recent decades as essential …

[КНИГА][B] Combinatorial stochastic processes: Ecole d'eté de probabilités de saint-flour xxxii-2002

J Pitman - 2006 -
Three series of lectures were given at the 32nd Probability Summer School in Saint-Flour
(July 7–24, 2002), by the Professors Pitman, Tsirelson and Werner …

[КНИГА][B] Probability models for DNA sequence evolution

R Durrett, R Durrett - 2008 - Springer
Our basic question is: Given a collection of DNA sequences, what underlying forces are
responsible for the observed patterns of variability? To approach this question we introduce …

Euler's constant: Euler's work and modern developments

J Lagarias - Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 2013 -
This paper has two parts. The first part surveys Euler's work on the constant $\gamma=
0.57721\cdots $ bearing his name, together with some of his related work on the gamma …

[PDF][PDF] Random graphs and complex networks

R Van Der Hofstad - vol. I, 2014 - Citeseer
These lecture notes are intended to be used for master courses, where the students have a
limited prior knowledge of special topics in probability. Therefore, we have included many of …

Simply generated trees, conditioned Galton―Watson trees, random allocations and condensation

S Janson - Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer …, 2012 -
We give a unified treatment of the limit, as the size tends to infinity, of random simply
generated trees, including both the well-known result in the standard case of critical Galton …

The ubiquitous Ewens sampling formula

H Crane - 2016 -
Ewens's sampling formula exemplifies the harmony of mathematical theory, statistical
application, and scientific discovery. The formula not only contributes to the foundations of …

Controlling the reinforcement in Bayesian non-parametric mixture models

A Lijoi, RH Mena, I Prünster - Journal of the Royal Statistical …, 2007 -
The paper deals with the problem of determining the number of components in a mixture
model. We take a Bayesian non-parametric approach and adopt a hierarchical model with a …