A Cenozoic record of deep oceanic Zn isotopic composition in ferromanganese crusts
M Zhao, N Planavsky, X Wang, Y Zhang… - American Journal of …, 2023 - ajsonline.org
Water plays a critical role in erosion and sediment transport and this relationship is most
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
evident in the hyperarid Atacama Desert of Northern Chile, a region characterized by …
Low‐angle normal faults and seismicity: A review
B Wernicke - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
Although large, low‐angle normal faults in the continental crust are widely recognized,
doubts persist that they either initiate or slip at shallow dips (< 30°), because (1) global …
doubts persist that they either initiate or slip at shallow dips (< 30°), because (1) global …
Quaternary evolution of the Corinth Rift and its implications for the Late Cenozoic evolution of the Aegean
We present geological and morphological observations at different scales to constrain rates
of faulting and the distribution of deformation in the seismically active Aegean region. We …
of faulting and the distribution of deformation in the seismically active Aegean region. We …
Physical explanation for the displacement-length relationship of faults using a post-yield fracture mechanics model
A plane strain model for a fault is presented that takes into account the inelastic deformation
involved in fault growth. The model requires that the stresses at the tip of the fault never …
involved in fault growth. The model requires that the stresses at the tip of the fault never …
Does Europa have a subsurface ocean? Evaluation of the geological evidence
RT Pappalardo, MJS Belton… - Journal of …, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
It has been proposed that Jupiter's satellite Europa currently possesses a global subsurface
ocean of liquid water. Galileo gravity data verify that the satellite is differentiated into an …
ocean of liquid water. Galileo gravity data verify that the satellite is differentiated into an …
Architecture of marine rift-basin successions
R Ravnås, RJ Steel - AAPG bulletin, 1998 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Marine rift basins represent a continuum ranging from mixed nonmarine/marine through
shallow marine to deep marine, or from partly emergent through partly submergent to …
shallow marine to deep marine, or from partly emergent through partly submergent to …
Flexural uplift of rift flanks due to mechanical unloading of the lithosphere during extension
JK Weissel, GD Karner - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 1989 - Wiley Online Library
We suggest that the uplift of rift flanks results from mechanical unloading of the lithosphere
during extension and consequent isostatic rebound. This mechanism is presented as an …
during extension and consequent isostatic rebound. This mechanism is presented as an …
A synthetic stratigraphic model of foreland basin development
PB Flemings, TE Jordan - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 1989 - Wiley Online Library
The processes of erosion and deposition must be included in foreland basin models to
predict correctly basin geometry and stratigraphy. We present a synthetic stratigraphic model …
predict correctly basin geometry and stratigraphy. We present a synthetic stratigraphic model …
Modeling mountain building and the seismic cycle in the Himalaya of Nepal
A host of information is now available regarding the geological and thermal structure as well
as deformation rate across the Himalaya of central Nepal. These data are reconciled in a …
as deformation rate across the Himalaya of central Nepal. These data are reconciled in a …
Asymmetric slip partitioning in the Sea of Marmara pull‐apart: A clue to propagation processes of the North Anatolian fault?
Between 1939 and 1999 the North Anatolian fault (NAF) experienced a westward
progression of eight large earthquakes over 800 km of its morphological trace. The 2000‐km …
progression of eight large earthquakes over 800 km of its morphological trace. The 2000‐km …