Optimization of drilling parameters using Taguchi technique and response surface methodology (RSM) in drilling of AISI 304 steel with cryogenically treated HSS drills

A Çiçek, T Kıvak, E Ekici - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2015 - Springer
In this study, the effects of cryogenic treatment and drilling parameters on surface and hole
quality were investigated in the drilling of AISI 304 stainless steel under dry drilling …

[PDF][PDF] Delik delme prosesi: bir araştırma

Ş Bayraktar, Y Siyambaş, Y Turgut - SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü …, 2017 - avesis.gazi.edu.tr
Drilling has important role among all machining operations. In during drilling process such
as excessive surface roughness, burr formation, ovality and axial deviation with adverse …

Analysis of grey relational method of the effects on machinability performance on austempered vermicular graphite cast irons

G Uzun - Measurement, 2019 - Elsevier
In this study, vermicular graphite cast iron samples were operationalized to Austempering
process in two different temperatures (315 and 375° C) and three different waiting periods …

Nano mos2 application in turning process with minimum quantity lubrication technique (Mql)

Ş Sertsöz - Tehnički vjesnik, 2021 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak In this study, nano-sized MoS2 was mixed into coolant and was turned with GGG-70
spheroidal graphite cast iron. Surface roughness and tool wear were analyzed and effects of …

Effect of process parameters on tool life surface roughness and material removal rate on machining a grey cast iron using multilayer coated carbide tool

SG Dileepkumar, KN Bharath, R Suresh - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
The need of machining is to produces good quality products in low cost. This objective can
be attained by selecting proper machining parameters, tool geometry and tool materials. In …

Drilling process: a review

Ş Bayraktar, Y Sıyambaş, Y Turgut - Sakarya University Journal of …, 2017 - dergipark.org.tr
Drilling has important role among all machining operations. In during drilling process such
as excessive surface roughness, burr formation, ovality and axial deviation with adverse …

Tool Life and Surface Roughness of FCD 700 Ductile Cast Iron when Dry Turning Using Carbide Tool

JA Ghani, MNA Mohd Rodzi, K Othman… - Advanced Materials …, 2010 - Trans Tech Publ
Machining is one of the most important processes in producing automotive component such
as difficult-to-cut FCD700 cast iron grade. Efforts are continuously made to improve the …

Desenvolvimento de Materiais em Gradiente pela Técnica de Deposição Direta a Laser

ATB da Luz - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Atualmente vive-se a ascensão das fontes de energias renováveis e das soluções
sustentáveis para a indústria. Uma das fontes renováveis de energia com maior atratividade …

[TRÍCH DẪN][C] Yüksek alaşımlı beyaz dökme demirlerin (Ni-Hard) işlenebilirlik parametrelerinin Taguchi yöntemi ile optimizasyonu

E Yücel - 2011 - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü

[TRÍCH DẪN][C] Machined surface of FCD700 ductile cast iron in a dry turning environment using carbide tools

JA Ghani, K Othman, MNA Rahman, BM Deros… - Int. J. Mech. Mater. Eng …, 2009