Glenohumeral superior translation and subacromial contract pressure are both improved with superior capsular reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis …
Purpose To review cadaveric studies evaluating the biomechanical outcomes of superior
capsular reconstruction (SCR) with different graft types for the treatment of irreparable rotator …
capsular reconstruction (SCR) with different graft types for the treatment of irreparable rotator …
Comparison of different fixation techniques of the long head of the biceps tendon in superior capsule reconstruction for irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears: a …
Background: In the past decade, superior capsular reconstruction has emerged as a
potential surgical approach in young patients with irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff …
potential surgical approach in young patients with irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff …
Allograft and autograft provide similar retear rates for the management of large and massive rotator cuff tears: a review and meta‐analysis
Purpose Currently, autografts and allografts are largely used to treat large or massive rotator
cuff tear (RCT), without any evidence in favour of one graft or the other. The purpose of this …
cuff tear (RCT), without any evidence in favour of one graft or the other. The purpose of this …
Biomechanical comparison of lower trapezius and latissimus dorsi transfer for irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears using a dynamic shoulder model
Background In the setting of irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears (PSRCTs), lower
trapezius transfer (LTT) may be anatomically better positioned for restoring the muscular …
trapezius transfer (LTT) may be anatomically better positioned for restoring the muscular …
Bursal acromial reconstruction (BAR) using an acellular dermal allograft for massive, irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears: a dynamic biomechanical …
Purpose To investigate the effect of bursal acromial reconstruction (BAR) using an acellular
dermal allograft on glenohumeral joint kinematics including maximum abduction angle …
dermal allograft on glenohumeral joint kinematics including maximum abduction angle …
Superior capsular reconstruction partially restores native glenohumeral joint loads in a dynamic biomechanical shoulder model
Purpose To evaluate the effect of an irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tear (PSRCT) on
glenohumeral joint loads and to quantify improvement after superior capsular reconstruction …
glenohumeral joint loads and to quantify improvement after superior capsular reconstruction …
Anterior latissimus dorsi transfer for irreparable subscapularis tears improves shoulder kinematics in a dynamic biomechanical cadaveric shoulder model
Background: In young patients with irreparable subscapularis deficiency (SSC-D) and
absence of severe osteoarthritis, anterior latissimus dorsi transfer (aLDT) has been …
absence of severe osteoarthritis, anterior latissimus dorsi transfer (aLDT) has been …
A new approach to superior capsular reconstruction with hamstring allograft for irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears: a dynamic biomechanical evaluation
Background Superior capsular reconstruction (SCR) treatment of massive, symptomatic,
irreparable rotator cuff tears (RCTs) has become a more recently used procedure. However …
irreparable rotator cuff tears (RCTs) has become a more recently used procedure. However …
Increased glenohumeral joint loads due to a supraspinatus tear can be reversed with rotator cuff repair: a biomechanical investigation
Purpose To evaluate the effect of an isolated full-thickness supraspinatus (SSP) tear on
glenohumeral kinematics and contact mechanics, as well as to quantify improvement …
glenohumeral kinematics and contact mechanics, as well as to quantify improvement …
Graft tensioning in superior capsular reconstruction improves glenohumeral joint kinematics in massive irreparable rotator cuff tears: a biomechanical study of the …
Background: Superior capsular reconstruction (SCR) for massive, irreparable rotator cuff
tears has become more widely used recently; however, ideal tensioning of the graft and the …
tears has become more widely used recently; however, ideal tensioning of the graft and the …