
KF Richter, S Winter - Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht …, 2014 - Springer
Landmarks are a fascinating subject of research. On one hand they are ubiquitous in our
thinking and speaking about our living environment. We refer to them when describing our …

Urban day-to-day travel and its development in an information environment: A review

W Nai, Z Yang, D Li, L Liu, Y Fu, Y Guo - Sustainability, 2024 -
Urban day-to-day travel systems generally exist in various types of cities. Their modeling is
difficult due to the uncertainty of individual travelers in micro travel decision-making …

Semantic trajectory compression: Representing urban movement in a nutshell

KF Richter, F Schmid, P Laube - Journal of Spatial Information Science, 2012 -
There is an increasing number of rapidly growing repositories capturing the movement of
people in space-time. Movement trajectory compression becomes an obvious necessity for …

Drawing road networks with focus regions

JH Haunert, L Sering - IEEE transactions on visualization and …, 2011 -
Mobile users of maps typically need detailed information about their surroundings plus some
context information about remote places. In order to avoid that the map partly gets too dense …

Semantic trajectory compression

F Schmid, KF Richter, P Laube - … in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 11th …, 2009 - Springer
In the light of rapidly growing repositories capturing the movement trajectories of people in
spacetime, the need for trajectory compression becomes obvious. This paper argues for …

AffectRoute–considering people's affective responses to environments for enhancing route-planning services

H Huang, S Klettner, M Schmidt, G Gartner… - International Journal …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Humans perceive and evaluate environments affectively. Some places are experienced as
unsafe, while some others as attractive and interesting. These affective responses to …

Invariant spatial information in sketch maps—a study of survey sketch maps of urban areas

J Wang, A Schwering - Journal of spatial information science, 2015 -
It is commonly recognized that free-hand sketch maps are influenced by cognitive impacts
and therefore sketch maps are incomplete, distorted, and schematized. This makes it difficult …

Controllability matters: The user experience of adaptive maps

P Kiefer, I Giannopoulos… - GeoInformatica, 2017 - Springer
Adaptive map interfaces have the potential of increasing usability by providing more task
dependent and personalized support. It is unclear, however, how map adaptation must be …

Interactive optimization for cartographic aggregation of building features

S Takahashi, R Kokubun, S Nishimura… - Computer Graphics …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aggregation, as an operation of cartographic generalization, provides an effective means of
abstracting the configuration of building features by combining them according to the scale …

Personalized landmark adaptive visualization method for pedestrian navigation maps: Considering user familiarity

L Zhu, J Shen, J Zhou, Z Stachoň, S Hong… - Transactions in …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Landmark‐based pedestrian navigation can assist pedestrians in navigating successfully.
Previous studies have investigated the factors affecting the cognitive efficiency of landmark …