[KNIHA][B] Nonlinear stability of finite Volume Methods for hyperbolic conservation laws: And Well-Balanced schemes for sources

F Bouchut - 2004 - books.google.com
This book is devoted to finite volume methods for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. It
differs from previous expositions on the subject in that the accent is put on the development …

Numerical solution of reservoir flow models based on large time step operator splitting algorithms: CIME lecture notes

MS Espedal, KH Karlsen - Filtration in Porous Media and Industrial …, 2007 - Springer
During recent years the authors and collaborators have been involved in an activity related
to the construction and analysis of large time step operator splitting algorithms for the …

Traffic flow on a road network

GM Coclite, M Garavello, B Piccoli - SIAM journal on mathematical analysis, 2005 - SIAM
This paper is concerned with a fluidodynamic model for traffic flow. More precisely, we
consider a single conservation law, deduced from the conservation of the number of cars …

A wave propagation method for conservation laws and balance laws with spatially varying flux functions

DS Bale, RJ Leveque, S Mitran, JA Rossmanith - SIAM Journal on Scientific …, 2003 - SIAM
We study a general approach to solving conservation laws of the form qt+ f (q, x) x= 0, where
the flux function f (q, x) has explicit spatial variation. Finite-volume methods are used in …

Splitting methods for partial differential equations with rough solutions

H Holden, KH Karlsen, KA Lie, NH Risebro - European Mathematical …, 2010 - ems.press
The book has grown out of a concerted research effort over the last decade. We have
enjoyed collaboration with many good friends and colleagues on these problems, in …

A Theory of L 1-Dissipative Solvers for Scalar Conservation Laws with Discontinuous Flux

B Andreianov, KH Karlsen, NH Risebro - Archive for rational mechanics …, 2011 - Springer
We propose a general framework for the study of L 1 contractive semigroups of solutions to
conservation laws with discontinuous flux: u_t+ f (x, u) _x= 0,\qquad f (x, u)=\left {f^ l (u), & x< …

Convergence of a difference scheme for conservation laws with a discontinuous flux

JD Towers - SIAM journal on numerical analysis, 2000 - SIAM
Convergence is established for a scalar finite difference scheme, based on the Godunov or
Engquist--Osher (EO) flux, for scalar conservation laws having a flux that is spatially …

L¹ stability for entropy solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic convection-diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients

KH Karlsen, NH Risebro, JD Towers - … Pure mathematics http://urn. nb. no …, 2003 - duo.uio.no
We propose a Kruzkov-type entropy condition for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations
with discointinuous coefficients. We establish L1 stability, and thus uniqueness, for weak …

Optimal entropy solutions for conservation laws with discontinuous flux-functions

ADIMURTHI, S Mishra, GDV Gowda - Journal of Hyperbolic …, 2005 - World Scientific
We deal with a single conservation law in one space dimension whose flux function is
discontinuous in the space variable and we introduce a proper framework of entropy …

[PDF][PDF] On the uniqueness and stability of entropy solutions of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations with rough coefficients

KH Karlsen, NH Risebro - 2000 - bora.uib.no
We study nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations where the flux function f (x, t, u) does
not depend Lipschitz continuously on the spatial location x. By properly adapting the" …