[КНИГА][B] Vibrotactile feedback and stimulation in music performance

M Giordano - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Vibrotactile feedback and stimulation can be used to convey information by means of
specialized displays augmented with vibrating actuators. To achieve successful …

Dance Movement and Sound Cross-Correlation; Synthesis Parameters on the Micro and Meso Musical Time Scales

A Koruga, K Tahiroğlu - Proceedings of the 19th International Audio …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
The sonification of dance movements is a dynamic area of research in the experience of
interaction with sound, focusing on modulating sound synthesis within a complex …

WAVI: improving motion capture calibration using haptic and visual feedback

Z Franjcic, PW Woźniak, G Kasparavičiūte… - Proceedings of the 18th …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Motion tracking systems are gaining popularity and have a number of applications in
research, entertainment, and arts. These systems must be calibrated before use. This …

3D interaction accessible to visually impaired users: a systematic review

E de Souza Veriscimo, JL Bernardes - … , UAHCI 2016, Held as Part of HCI …, 2016 - Springer
There is currently a large number of visually impaired people in Brazil and worldwide. And
just as any citizen they have their rights, including in them the right to education and other …

ATSI: augmented and tangible sonic interaction

R Pugliese, A Politis, T Takala - … of the Ninth International Conference on …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents ATSI, a system for sonic augmentation of physical objects with
spatialized sounds and their control by gestural interaction. The implementation combines …

Vibrating instruments in virtual reality: A cohesive approach to the design of virtual reality musical instruments

J Sánchez Carranco - 2018 - aaltodoc.aalto.fi
This thesis presents the design, implementation and findings of a Virtual Reality Musical
Instrument (VRMI). The project was done under the direction of the Sound and Physical …

Embodied interactions with audio-tactile virtual objects in AHNE

K Tahiroğlu, J Kildal, T Ahmaniemi, S Overstall… - Haptic and Audio …, 2012 - Springer
Interactive virtual environments are often focused on visual representation. This study
introduces embodied and eyes-free interaction with audio-haptic navigation environment …

Chiron: interpreting signals from capacitive patterns and inertial sensors for intuitive shape modeling

A Verma, G Culbertson, K Ramani - CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
In this paper we introduce Chiron (abbr. Chironomia): A wearable device for the hand that
reads the digital and analogous signals from capacitive sensor patterns and orientation …

[КНИГА][B] Reducing jerk for bimanual control with virtual reality

SCM Hill - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Reducing jerk for bimanual control with virtual reality Page 1 Reducing jerk for bimanual
control with virtual reality Sean Chase Mandrake Hill A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment …

Usage of tactile feedback to aid cooperative object manipulation in virtual environments

TV Oliveira - 2017 - tede2.pucrs.br
Virtual reality is a technology that allows users to view and interact with a 3D virtual
environment (VE) in real time. A collaborative virtual environment (CVE) is a type of VE that …