A review and content analysis of mathematics textbooks in educational research
Research collected and reviewed a number of empirical studies in the field of educational
research regarding the analysis of mathematics textbooks to provide summary and overview …
research regarding the analysis of mathematics textbooks to provide summary and overview …
The concrete–representational–abstract approach for students with learning disabilities: An evidence-based practice synthesis
As researchers and practitioners have increasingly become interested in what practices are
evidence based and for whom in education, different sets of quality indicators and evidence …
evidence based and for whom in education, different sets of quality indicators and evidence …
Examining English language learners' learning needs through the lens of algebra curriculum materials
Curriculum materials have a substantial influence on mathematics instruction and,
consequently, students' learning opportunities. Many curriculum programs provide …
consequently, students' learning opportunities. Many curriculum programs provide …
Mathematics Interventions for Adolescents with Mathematics Difficulties: A Meta–Analysis
We quantitatively synthesized findings of quasi–experimental and randomized control
studies of interventions designed to improve the mathematics achievement of secondary …
studies of interventions designed to improve the mathematics achievement of secondary …
Multimedia platform for mathematics' interactive learning accessible to blind people
M Maćkowski, P Brzoza, M Żabka… - Multimedia Tools and …, 2018 - Springer
Nowadays, the math learning is an important step in develo** professional carriers in
technical and economic sciences. Increasing the number of e-learning tools used in …
technical and economic sciences. Increasing the number of e-learning tools used in …
Examining fourth-grade mathematics writing: Features of organization, mathematics vocabulary, and mathematical representations
Increasingly, students are expected to write about mathematics. Mathematics writing may be
informal (eg, journals, exit slips) or formal (eg, writing prompts on high-stakes mathematics …
informal (eg, journals, exit slips) or formal (eg, writing prompts on high-stakes mathematics …
Computer aided math learning as a tool to assess and increase motivation in learning math by visually impaired students
M Maćkowski, M Żabka, W Kempa… - Disability and …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose Effective teaching and learning mathematics is important to achieve good results
during an academic and professional career. This is especially difficult for visually impaired …
during an academic and professional career. This is especially difficult for visually impaired …
Tutoring math platform accessible for visually impaired people
Background There are many problems with teaching and assessing impaired students in
higher education, especially in technical science, where the knowledge is represented …
higher education, especially in technical science, where the knowledge is represented …
Factors influencing the process of learning mathematics among visually impaired and blind people
Effective instruction and comprehension of mathematics are important for achieving
academic and professional success but are especially difficult for visually impaired …
academic and professional success but are especially difficult for visually impaired …
[ספר][B] Math instruction for students with learning problems
SP Gurganus - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Math Instruction for Students with Learning Problems, Second Edition provides a research-
based approach to mathematics instruction designed to build confidence and competence in …
based approach to mathematics instruction designed to build confidence and competence in …