How to measure stand density

B Zeide - Trees, 2005‏ - Springer
Foresters have produced many measures of stand density. Yet, none of these is entirely
satisfactory. A majority of the measures (stand density index, basal area, and leaf area) …

Linkages between silviculture and ecology: an analysis of density management diagrams

SB Jack, JN Long - Forest Ecology and Management, 1996‏ - Elsevier
Density management diagrams (DMDs) are used to quickly examine alternative density
management regimes. DMDs are based upon several ecological concepts, and thus …

Comparison of self-thinning models: an exercise in reasoning

B Zeide - Trees, 2010‏ - Springer
Self-thinning of forest stands is one of the clearest and best-documented examples of
natural selection. Besides their theoretical interest, understanding of self-thinning is …

Effects of planting density and cultural intensity on stand and crown attributes of mid-rotation loblolly pine plantations

MK Akers, M Kane, D Zhao, RO Teskey… - Forest Ecology and …, 2013‏ - Elsevier
Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) is an important timber species in the southeastern US and
abroad. A better understanding of loblolly pine crown relationships with growth has …

A density management diagram for longleaf pine stands with application to red-cockaded woodpecker habitat

JD Shaw, JN Long - Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 2007‏ -
We developed a density management diagram (DMD) for longleaf pine (Pinus palustris P.
Mill.) using data from Forest Inventory and Analysis plots. Selection criteria were for purity …

Comparison of methods to estimate Reineke's maximum size-density relationship species boundary line slope

CL VanderSchaaf, HE Burkhart - Forest Science, 2007‏ -
Maximum size-density relationships (MSDR) provide natural resource managers useful
information about the relationship between tree density and average tree size. Obtaining a …

Comparison of maximum size–density relationships based on alternate stand attributes for predicting tree numbers and stand growth

HE Burkhart - Forest Ecology and Management, 2013‏ - Elsevier
Quantification of site occupancy or stand density is essential for modeling forest stand
mortality, growth and yield. A variety of measures of stand density have been proposed …

Modeling tree mortality in relation to climate, initial planting density, and competition in Chinese fir plantations using a Bayesian logistic multilevel method

X Zhang, QV Cao, A Duan… - Canadian Journal of Forest …, 2017‏ -
Tree mortality models are important tools for simulating forest dynamic processes, and
logistic regression is widely used for modeling tree mortality. However, most of the mortality …

The relationship between Reineke's stand-density index and physical stem mechanics

TJ Dean, VC Baldwin Jr - Forest Ecology and Management, 1996‏ - Elsevier
Data from 358 plots from long-term, growth-and-yield studies established in loblolly pine
plantations were used to test the hypothesis that the value of Reineke's stand-density index …

A density management diagram for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.): A tool for assessing the forest's protective effect

G Vacchiano, R Motta, JN Long, JD Shaw - Forest Ecology and …, 2008‏ - Elsevier
Density management diagrams (DMD) are graphical tools used in the design of silvicultural
regimes in even-aged forests. They depict the relationship between stand density, average …