Content-aware local gan for photo-realistic super-resolution
Recently, GAN has successfully contributed to making single-image super-resolution (SISR)
methods produce more realistic images. However, natural images have complex distribution …
methods produce more realistic images. However, natural images have complex distribution …
Abd-net: Attentive but diverse person re-identification
Attention mechanisms have been found effective for person re-identification (Re-ID).
However, the learned" attentive" features are often not naturally uncorrelated or" diverse" …
However, the learned" attentive" features are often not naturally uncorrelated or" diverse" …
WeatherBench: a benchmark data set for data‐driven weather forecasting
Data‐driven approaches, most prominently deep learning, have become powerful tools for
prediction in many domains. A natural question to ask is whether data‐driven methods could …
prediction in many domains. A natural question to ask is whether data‐driven methods could …
FFDNet: Toward a fast and flexible solution for CNN-based image denoising
Due to the fast inference and good performance, discriminative learning methods have been
widely studied in image denoising. However, these methods mostly learn a specific model …
widely studied in image denoising. However, these methods mostly learn a specific model …
Svdnet for pedestrian retrieval
This paper proposes the SVDNet for retrieval problems, with focus on the application of
person re-identification (re-ID). We view each weight vector within a fully connected (FC) …
person re-identification (re-ID). We view each weight vector within a fully connected (FC) …
HSME: Hypersphere manifold embedding for visible thermal person re-identification
Person Re-identification (re-ID) has great potential to contribute to video surveillance that
automatically searches and identifies people across different cameras. Heterogeneous …
automatically searches and identifies people across different cameras. Heterogeneous …
Can we gain more from orthogonality regularizations in training deep networks?
This paper seeks to answer the question: as the (near-) orthogonality of weights is found to
be a favorable property for training deep convolutional neural networks, how can we enforce …
be a favorable property for training deep convolutional neural networks, how can we enforce …
When the curious abandon honesty: Federated learning is not private
In federated learning (FL), data does not leave personal devices when they are jointly
training a machine learning model. Instead, these devices share gradients, parameters, or …
training a machine learning model. Instead, these devices share gradients, parameters, or …
Explicit inductive bias for transfer learning with convolutional networks
In inductive transfer learning, fine-tuning pre-trained convolutional networks substantially
outperforms training from scratch. When using fine-tuning, the underlying assumption is that …
outperforms training from scratch. When using fine-tuning, the underlying assumption is that …
Orthogonal convolutional neural networks
Deep convolutional neural networks are hindered by training instability and feature
redundancy towards further performance improvement. A promising solution is to impose …
redundancy towards further performance improvement. A promising solution is to impose …