Achievements and challenges of human rights protection policy in realizing good governance in Indonesia and China

MM Mujib, MK Muchlas - Journal of Human Rights, Culture and Legal …, 2023 -
The protection of human rights in public service institutions faces challenges in its
effectiveness to achieve maximum protection. This is because there are many units and …

The adoption of various legal systems in Indonesia: an effort to initiate the prismatic Mixed Legal Systems

LTAL Wardhani, MDH Noho, A Natalis - Cogent Social Sciences, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Indonesia has three legal systems. Thus experts dispute which one to use. Peter de Cruz's
opinion on worldwide legal systems makes it hard to classify Indonesia. This paper analyses …

Teacher role as professional educator in school environment

A Dirsa, SA Bp, C Diananseri… - … Journal of Science …, 2022 -
Teachers play an essential and strategic role in education. This is because the teacher is a
component of education and is at the forefront of carrying out educational goals. This …

[PDF][PDF] Indonesia as legal welfare state: The policy of Indonesian national economic law

R Saputra, SO Emovwodo - Journal of Human Rights …, 2022 -
International law is frequently controlled by the interests of industrialized countries in the
context of economic regulation. International financial accords incorporate a greater number …

The Relationship of Islam and The State in Contemporary Islamic Political Discourse in Indonesia

MA Sholichuddin, NEP Muchtar… - … International Journal of …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study was to relate the views in the context of Islamic politics in
Indonesia, this article is intended to explore issues relating to relations between Islam and …

Preventing bribery in the private sector through legal reform based on Pancasila

ZJ Fernando, P Pujiyono, H Susetyo… - Cogent Social …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
As a participating country in the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)
2003, Indonesia is one of the state parties that has signed and ratified the UNCAC 2003 …

Internalisasi filsafat pancasila melalui profil pelajar pancasila pada kurikulum merdeka

A Utami, M Prabowo - Jurnal Paris Langkis, 2023 -
Pancasila sebagai falsafah Indonesia harus terus dijiwai oleh seluruh warga Indonesia.
Tindakan yang akan merongrong nilai pancasila harus dicegah. Pelajar Indonesia …

Administrative Discretion in Indonesia & Netherland Administrative Court: Authorities and Regulations

S Suparto, FA Adinda, AE Esanov… - Journal of Human Rights …, 2024 -
Discretion is used by state administrators (executives) to resolve complex government
situations while still paying attention to the public interest. The practice of discretion still …

Ensuring the health and safety of indonesian school children: Legal protections in snack consumption

IT El Haque, S Putra, S Suparno… - Qubahan Academic …, 2023 -
The health and safety of school children in Indonesia in the consumption of snacks in the
school environment is an important aspect that needs to be carefully guarded. Ensuring that …

The Strengthening Government Policies on Mineral and Coal Mining to Achieve Environmental Sustainability in Indonesia, Africa and Germany

S Akhmaddhian, H Budiman, R Bhandari - Bestuur, 2023 -
Indonesia has enacted a number of regulations dealing with issues of mining governance,
and governance. However, the issuance of these various laws and regulations has resulted …