Review of dynamic and transient modeling of power electronic converters for converter dominated power systems
In response to national and international carbon reduction goals, renewable energy
resources like photovoltaics (PV) and wind, and energy storage technologies like fuel-cells …
resources like photovoltaics (PV) and wind, and energy storage technologies like fuel-cells …
Model predictive control for formation reconfiguration exploiting quasi-periodic tori in the cislunar environment
Given the numerous possibilities that formation flying space missions can enable, being
able to design and govern relative trajectories in this scenario is fundamental. Particularly …
able to design and govern relative trajectories in this scenario is fundamental. Particularly …
Stability and Synthesis of a Class of Periodic Piecewise Time-Varying Systems
In this paper, the stability, stabilization, and L 2-gain problems are investigated for periodic
piecewise systems with time-varying subsystems. Continuous Lyapunov function with time …
piecewise systems with time-varying subsystems. Continuous Lyapunov function with time …
Small-signal modeling and analysis of MMC under unbalanced grid conditions based on linear time-periodic (LTP) method
J Zhu, J Hu, S Wang, M Wan - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As in grid-tied Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC), the steady-state operation under
asymmetric grid conditions is rather general, especially for the overhead line of the AC …
asymmetric grid conditions is rather general, especially for the overhead line of the AC …
Stability, stabilization and L2-gain analysis of periodic piecewise linear systems
P Li, J Lam, KC Cheung - Automatica, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, the stability, stabilization and L 2-gain problems are investigated for periodic
piecewise linear systems, in which not all subsystems are Hurwitz. First, some sufficient and …
piecewise linear systems, in which not all subsystems are Hurwitz. First, some sufficient and …
Orbital dynamics in the vicinity of asteroid 216 Kleopatra
Y Yu, H Baoyin - The Astronomical Journal, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper studies the orbital dynamics around the main-belt asteroid Kleopatra through a
detailed look at the motion around the equilibria using observational data. The shapes of …
detailed look at the motion around the equilibria using observational data. The shapes of …
Stabilization of periodic piecewise time-varying systems with time-varying delay under multiple cyber attacks: An augmented Lyapunov functional approach
This article investigates the asymptotic stabilization of periodic piecewise time-varying
systems with time-varying delay under various cyber attacks, particularly deception and …
systems with time-varying delay under various cyber attacks, particularly deception and …
Stability analysis of vector-controlled modular multilevel converters in linear time-periodic framework
Stability analysis of average value models (AVMs) of vector-controlled modular multilevel
converters (MMCs) is the subject matter of this paper. Stability analysis of fundamental …
converters (MMCs) is the subject matter of this paper. Stability analysis of fundamental …
[KNJIGA][B] Линейные нестационарные системы и их приложения к задачам механики
В Каленова, В Морозов - 2022 - books.google.com
Книга посвящена исследованию различных вопросов анализа и синтеза линейных
нестационарных систем. Изложены основы оригинальной теории проводимости …
нестационарных систем. Изложены основы оригинальной теории проводимости …
Observer-based output reachable set synthesis for periodic piecewise time-varying systems
In this paper, the output reachable set synthesis problem for periodic piecewise time-varying
systems has been addressed for the first time. Generalized periodic time-varying conditions …
systems has been addressed for the first time. Generalized periodic time-varying conditions …