[HTML][HTML] Interactions between marine megafauna and plastic pollution in Southeast Asia
Southeast (SE) Asia is a highly biodiverse region, yet it is also estimated to cumulatively
contribute a third of the total global marine plastic pollution. This threat is known to have …
contribute a third of the total global marine plastic pollution. This threat is known to have …
Widespread use of migratory megafauna for aquatic wild meat in the tropics and subtropics
Wild animals are captured or taken opportunistically, and the meat, body parts, and/or eggs
are consumed for local subsistence or used for traditional purposes to some extent across …
are consumed for local subsistence or used for traditional purposes to some extent across …
Forty years of monitoring increasing sea turtle relative abundance in the Gulf of Mexico
Longitudinal data sets for population abundance are essential for studies of imperiled
organisms with long life spans or migratory movements, such as marine turtles. Population …
organisms with long life spans or migratory movements, such as marine turtles. Population …
Status, biodiversity, and ecosystem services of seagrass habitats within the Coral Triangle in the Western Pacific Ocean
Abstract Area of the Coral Triangle (CT), namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea,
Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste, comprises 5.7 million km2 of the Pacific …
Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste, comprises 5.7 million km2 of the Pacific …
Variations in body condition of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in two nearby foraging grounds indicate their sensitivity to foraging habitats
Coastal seagrass habitats are critical foraging grounds for endangered green turtles
(Chelonia mydas). However, these habitats are vulnerable to anthropogenic effects …
(Chelonia mydas). However, these habitats are vulnerable to anthropogenic effects …
[PDF][PDF] Illegal tortoiseshell harvest of hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Southeast Asia: evidence from Baturua Reef, Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia
The illegal harvesting of hawksbill turtles for their shell has led to a drastic decline in the
population of this critically endangered species over the past century. Despite efforts to …
population of this critically endangered species over the past century. Despite efforts to …
Twenty years of sea turtle strandings in New Caledonia
In this study, we investigated cause-specific temporal and spatial trends in sea turtle
strandings in New Caledonia. Five species of sea turtles were recorded in the 406 …
strandings in New Caledonia. Five species of sea turtles were recorded in the 406 …
[HTML][HTML] Animal-borne video reveals atypical behaviour in provisioned green turtles: A global perspective of a widespread tourist activity
Feeding wildlife as a tourist activity is a growing industry around the world. However,
providing alternative food sources can affect wildlife ecology and behaviour. In this study, we …
providing alternative food sources can affect wildlife ecology and behaviour. In this study, we …
[PDF][PDF] Marine turtle nesting and hatching in Tun Mustapha Park, Malaysia, revealed by community-based monitoring
Tun Mustapha Park (TMP) is a marine protected area in Malaysia where marine turtles are
regularly sighted; however, more comprehensive and updated information about nesting …
regularly sighted; however, more comprehensive and updated information about nesting …
Distribution of marine turtles in Singapore: human-wildlife coexistence in a highly urbanized seascape
Many marine turtle species depend on multiple coastal and marine habitats, the importance
of these habitats shifts ontogenetically. These habitats, however, are increasingly impacted …
of these habitats shifts ontogenetically. These habitats, however, are increasingly impacted …