[ספר][B] Graph structure and monadic second-order logic: a language-theoretic approach

B Courcelle, J Engelfriet - 2012‏ - books.google.com
The study of graph structure has advanced in recent years with great strides: finite graphs
can be described algebraically, enabling them to be constructed out of more basic elements …

Bounded treewidth as a key to tractability of knowledge representation and reasoning

G Gottlob, R Pichler, F Wei - Artificial Intelligence, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Several forms of reasoning in AI–like abduction, closed world reasoning, circumscription,
and disjunctive logic programming–are well known to be intractable. In fact, many of the …

Datalog unchained

V Vianu - Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI …, 2021‏ - dl.acm.org
This is the companion paper of a talk in the Gems of PODS series, that reviews the
development, starting at PODS 1988, of a family of Datalog-like languages with procedural …

[HTML][HTML] Courcelle's theorem—A game-theoretic approach

J Kneis, A Langer, P Rossmanith - Discrete Optimization, 2011‏ - Elsevier
Courcelle's theorem states that every problem definable in Monadic Second-Order logic can
be solved in linear time on structures of bounded treewidth, for example, by constructing a …

Monadic datalog over finite structures of bounded treewidth

G Gottlob, R Pichler, F Wei - ACM Transactions on Computational Logic …, 2010‏ - dl.acm.org
Bounded treewidth and monadic second-order (MSO) logic have proved to be key concepts
in establishing fixed-parameter tractability results. Indeed, by Courcelle's Theorem we know …

Evaluation of an MSO-solver

A Langer, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, S Sikdar - 2012 Proceedings of the …, 2012‏ - SIAM
A fundamental theorem of Courcelle states that every problem definable in Monadic Second-
Order Logic (MSO) is solvable in linear time on graphs of bounded treewidth. In this paper …

[HTML][HTML] Automata for the verification of monadic second-order graph properties

B Courcelle, I Durand - Journal of applied logic, 2012‏ - Elsevier
The model-checking problem for monadic second-order logic on graphs is fixed-parameter
tractable with respect to tree-width and clique-width. The proof constructs finite automata …

Special tree-width and the verification of monadic second-order graph pr operties

B Courcelle - IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of …, 2010‏ - drops.dagstuhl.de
The model-checking problem for monadic second-order logic on graphs is fixed-parameter
tractable with respect to tree-width and clique-width. The proof constructs finite deterministic …

Fast counting with bounded treewidth

M Jakl, R Pichler, S Rümmele, S Woltran - International Conference on …, 2008‏ - Springer
Many intractable problems have been shown to become tractable if the treewidth of the
underlying structure is bounded by a constant. An important tool for deriving such results is …

FPT-алгоритмы и их классификация на основе эластичности

ВВ Быкова - Прикладная дискретная математика, 2011‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Приведены основные положения и проблемы параметризированной алгоритмики
нового направления теории сложности вычислений. Предложен новый показатель …