InP colloidal quantum dots for visible and near-infrared photonics
Owing to their tunable band gap, high absorption coefficient, narrow emission linewidths
and unrestricted composition, InP-based colloidal quantum dots (QDs) have become …
and unrestricted composition, InP-based colloidal quantum dots (QDs) have become …
Indium arsenide quantum dots: an alternative to lead-based infrared emitting nanomaterials
Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) emitting in the infrared (IR) are promising building blocks for
numerous photonic, optoelectronic and biomedical applications owing to their low-cost …
numerous photonic, optoelectronic and biomedical applications owing to their low-cost …
Composition-Defined Optical Properties and the Direct-to-Indirect Transition in Core–Shell In1–xGaxP/ZnS Colloidal Quantum Dots
Semiconductors are commonly divided into materials with direct or indirect band gaps based
on the relative positions of the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction …
on the relative positions of the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction …
Boosting the Photoluminescence Efficiency of InAs Nanocrystals Synthesized with Aminoarsine via a ZnSe Thick‐Shell Overgrowth
InAs‐based nanocrystals can enable restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) compliant
optoelectronic devices, but their photoluminescence efficiency needs improvement. We …
optoelectronic devices, but their photoluminescence efficiency needs improvement. We …
Colloidal InSb quantum dots for 1500 nm SWIR photodetector with antioxidation of surface
III‐V quantum dots (QDs) have emerged as significant alternatives to Cd‐and Pb‐based
QDs, garnering notable attention over the past two decades. However, the understanding of …
QDs, garnering notable attention over the past two decades. However, the understanding of …
Colloidal InAs Tetrapods: Impact of Surfactants on the Shape Control
We have approached the synthesis of colloidal InAs nanocrystals (NCs) using amino-As and
ligands that are different from the commonly employed oleylamine (OA). We found that …
ligands that are different from the commonly employed oleylamine (OA). We found that …
Water‐Soluble Alumina‐Coated Indium Phosphide Core–Shell Quantum Dots with Efficient Deep‐Red Emission Beyond 700 nm
Solution‐processed colloidal III‐V semiconductor‐based quantum dots (QDs) represent
promising and environmentally‐friendly alternatives to Cd‐based QDs in the realms of …
promising and environmentally‐friendly alternatives to Cd‐based QDs in the realms of …
Reductive pathways in molten inorganic salts enable colloidal synthesis of III-V semiconductor nanocrystals
Colloidal quantum dots, with their size-tunable optoelectronic properties and scalable
synthesis, enable applications in which inexpensive high-performance semiconductors are …
synthesis, enable applications in which inexpensive high-performance semiconductors are …
[HTML][HTML] Simulations of nonradiative processes in semiconductor nanocrystals
The description of carrier dynamics in spatially confined semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs),
which have enhanced electron–hole and exciton–phonon interactions, is a great challenge …
which have enhanced electron–hole and exciton–phonon interactions, is a great challenge …
Understanding Trap States in InP and GaP Quantum Dots through Density Functional Theory
The widespread application of III–V colloidal quantum dots (QDs) as nontoxic, highly tunable
emitters is stymied by their high density of trap states. Here, we utilize density functional …
emitters is stymied by their high density of trap states. Here, we utilize density functional …