QUARE: towards a question-answering model for requirements elicitation

JM Calle Gallego, CM Zapata Jaramillo - Automated Software Engineering, 2023 - Springer
Requirements elicitation is a stakeholder-centered approach; therefore, natural language
remains an effective way of documenting and validating requirements. As the scope of the …

Requirements engineering of village innovation application using goal-oriented requirements engineering (GORE)

C Kartiko, AC Wardhana, WA Saputra - Jurnal Infotel, 2021 - ejournal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id
The delay in the absorption of village funds from the central government to the village
government is due to the village government's difficulty preparing village development …

Implementation of organization goal-oriented requirements engineering (ogore) method in designing a muhammadiyah high school library information system

IM Shofi, R Nugraha, N Anggraini… - 2020 3rd International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The use of information systems in an organization has become an obligation to support the
organization's business process. However, the development of an Information System still …

An ontology framework for generating requirements specification

AP Yanuarifiani, FF Chua… - International Journal on …, 2020 - shdl.mmu.edu.my
Requirements engineering is the initial process of software development that critically
determines the overall software process quality. However, this process is error-prone. This is …

A requirements elicitation process for a purposeful general aviation (GA) aircraft design based on emerging economies

A Khandoker, MA Hamid, AS Shahriar… - The Aeronautical …, 2022 - cambridge.org
Design success mostly depends on understanding and realising product requirements,
which are nested with different levels of stakeholders and specific market demands …

Capability level assessment of IT governance in PTP Mitra Ogan: COBIT 5 framework for BAI 04 process

F Adikara - 2017 4th International Conference on Computer …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is very necessary to implement information technology governance in government
corporate organization. Nowadays, information technology investments and IT-enabler must …

Qualitative Requirements Analysis Process in Organization Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (OGORE) for E-Commerce Development

F Adikara, Sandfreni, A Anggarani, Ernawati - IT Convergence and …, 2017 - Springer
One of the most important processes in requirements engineering is the requirements
analysis process. This paper propose the qualitative requirements analysis process to …

Combining Organization Goal-Oriented Elicitation and Wireframe for Fishery Product Sales Mobile Application Design

F Adikara, S Sandfreni - 2020 - digilib.esaunggul.ac.id
Combining Organization Goal- Oriented Elicitation and Wireframe for Fishery Product Sales
Mobile Application Design Page 1 Combining Organization GoalOriented Elicitation and …

Pemodelan Website Berdasarkan Visi Lingkup Dan Laporan: Studi Kasus Website Dana Pensiun BPD NTT: Website Modelling Based on Scope Vision Report: Case …

FMH Tjiptabudi, R Bernardino - Jurnal Sains Komputer dan …, 2022 - journal.umpr.ac.id
Pada dasarnya, banyak perusahaan dan organisasi yang terjebak pada fitur aplikasi
perangkat lunak, demo aplikasi, dan iklan. Informasi yang jauh lebih tidak lengkap yang …