[HTML][HTML] Modeling profitability-influencing risk factors for construction projects: A system dynamics approach
This study addressed the complexity involved in integrating the causative risk factors
influencing construction profitability. Most of the existing studies cover the individual effects …
influencing construction profitability. Most of the existing studies cover the individual effects …
[HTML][HTML] A bibliometrics-based systematic review of safety risk assessment for IBS hoisting construction
Construction faces many safety accidents with urbanization, particularly in hoisting.
However, there is a lack of systematic review studies in this area. This paper explored the …
However, there is a lack of systematic review studies in this area. This paper explored the …
An application of WASPAS method in risk qualitative analysis: a case study of a road construction project in Iran
M Badalpur, E Nurbakhsh - International Journal of Construction …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Today, the focus on risks and uncertain events is one of the essential goals of any
organization. If hazards are not taken into consideration at the planning stage it could be …
organization. If hazards are not taken into consideration at the planning stage it could be …
ANN prediction model of final construction cost at an early stage
Previous studies developed models to predict final construction cost (FCC) values based on
many inputs, which makes them difficult to use. However, relying on models with relatively …
many inputs, which makes them difficult to use. However, relying on models with relatively …
Risk management and contingency sum of construction projects
Purpose Most organisations do not have established guidelines for the estimation and
management of contingency funds. The purpose of this paper is to identify the risk factors at …
management of contingency funds. The purpose of this paper is to identify the risk factors at …
Risk evaluation of cost overruns (COs) in public sector construction projects: A fuzzy synthetic evaluation
In the Small Island Develo** States (SIDS), public sector infrastructure projects (PSIPs) fail
to both meet targeted performance metrics and deliver on the intended benefits to society. In …
to both meet targeted performance metrics and deliver on the intended benefits to society. In …
Forecasting the Final Contract Cost on the Basis of the Owner's Cost Estimation Using an Artificial Neural Network
Raising the final contract cost (FCC) is a significant risk for project owners. This study
hypothesizes that the factors that cause owner's cost estimation (OCE) accuracy and FCC …
hypothesizes that the factors that cause owner's cost estimation (OCE) accuracy and FCC …
[HTML][HTML] When parallel schools of thought fail to converge: The case of cost overruns in project management
This paper investigates the conflicting and contrasting views between two prominent schools
of thought (SOT), the conventional project management empirical school and the incoming …
of thought (SOT), the conventional project management empirical school and the incoming …
An assessment of risk impact on road projects in Osun State, Nigeria
Purpose Road projects have been characterized by risk factors impacting project objectives.
Thus, this paper focused on evaluating the effect of risk on cost and time performance of …
Thus, this paper focused on evaluating the effect of risk on cost and time performance of …
Toward predictive modelling of construction cost overruns using support vector machine techniques
The development of cost overrun prediction models using data mining techniques has
considerably increased in recent years. Estimating the final cost of construction projects is …
considerably increased in recent years. Estimating the final cost of construction projects is …