Beyond biomimicry: Innovative bioinspired materials strategies and perspectives for high-performance energy storage devices
Bioinspired materials hold great potential for transforming energy storage devices due to
escalating demand for high-performance energy storage. Beyond biomimicry, recent …
escalating demand for high-performance energy storage. Beyond biomimicry, recent …
Perspectives toward damage‐tolerant nanostructure ceramics
Advanced ceramic materials and devices call for better reliability and damage tolerance. In
addition to their strong bonding nature, there are examples demonstrating superior …
addition to their strong bonding nature, there are examples demonstrating superior …
[HTML][HTML] Unlocking the potential of ball milling for nanomaterial Synthesis: An overview
The rapid advancement of nanotechnology has accelerated the development of innovative
materials with exceptional properties and applications. In this context, the mechanochemical …
materials with exceptional properties and applications. In this context, the mechanochemical …
Surface related NIR laser induced anti-Stokes emission from 2-D WS2 and MoS2
The broadband emission in the range from Vis to NIR (known as LIWE or laser-induced
white emission) was previously discovered for samples under NIR excitation in vacuum …
white emission) was previously discovered for samples under NIR excitation in vacuum …
Dislocation-mediated ultrahigh mechanical properties in nano-TiN
J Zhou, F Peng, F Hong, B Yue - Physical Review Materials, 2024 - APS
Stiffness and ductility can be achieved by reducing the grain size of ceramics to the
nanometer scale. However, the deformation mechanism of nanoceramics is still …
nanometer scale. However, the deformation mechanism of nanoceramics is still …
Nanoceramics: fabrication, properties, and applications
Nanoceramics are ceramic materials made up of nanometer-sized structural units
(grains/crystallites) with at least one dimension of the element below 100 nm. Nanoceramics …
(grains/crystallites) with at least one dimension of the element below 100 nm. Nanoceramics …
Electric, Dielectric, and Magnetic Properties of Strontium-Based Spinel Ferrites for the High-Frequency Applications
Abstract To synthesize SrSm x Fe2− x O4 (0.0≤ x≤ 0.10) nanomaterials, we employed a sol–
gel route of auto-ignitions and employed citric acid (C6H8O7) as the fuel precursor. Our …
gel route of auto-ignitions and employed citric acid (C6H8O7) as the fuel precursor. Our …
The Al2O3–ZrB2 Nanocomposite Synthesis using Mechanically Assisted SHS: The Effects of Mechanical Activation and Al2O3 Diluent
D Pezeshki, M Rajabi, M Rabiei, GR Khayati… - Transactions of the …, 2024 - Springer
ZrB2 stands out among ultra-high-temperature ceramics due to its exceptional thermal
resistance, chemical stability, high hardness, high electrical and thermal conductivity, and …
resistance, chemical stability, high hardness, high electrical and thermal conductivity, and …
Green Carbon Materials for Sensing Applications
Nanotechnology, in association with green chemistry, has enormous potential in creating
green carbon materials (GCM) based gas sensors that are sustainable and eco-friendly …
green carbon materials (GCM) based gas sensors that are sustainable and eco-friendly …
Challenges in the synthesis of ceramic nanoparticles and its applications in the energy sector
Nanoceramics are getting high concerns from scientists and researchers, as ceramic
nanoparticles act as the building block of nanoceramic materials and emerged as a …
nanoparticles act as the building block of nanoceramic materials and emerged as a …