[PDF][PDF] The impact of media on the spatiotemporal pattern dynamics of a reaction-diffusion epidemic model

XY Meng, T Zhang - Math. Biosci. Eng, 2020 - aimspress.com
In this paper, a reaction-diffusion SI epidemic model with media impact is considered. The
boundedness of system and the existence of the state are given. The local stabilities of the …

Effects of Behavioral Tactics of Predators on Dynamics of a Predator‐Prey System

H Zhang, Z Ma, G **e, L Jia - Advances in Mathematical …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
A predator‐prey model incorporating individual behavior is presented, where the predator‐
prey interaction is described by a classical Lotka‐Volterra model with self‐limiting prey; …

Proper spatial heterogeneities expand the regime of scale-free behavior in a lattice of excitable elements

U Marhl, M Gosak - Physical Review E, 2019 - APS
Signatures of criticality, such as power law scaling of observables, have been empirically
found in a plethora of real-life settings, including biological systems. The presence of critical …

Rich spatiotemporal dynamics of a vegetation model with noise and periodic forcing

XX Zhao, JZ Wang - Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The growth of vegetation is undeniably subject to random fluctuations arising from
environmental variability and internal effects due to periodic forcing. To address these …

[PDF][PDF] Permanence and asymptotically periodic solution for a cyclic predator-prey model with sigmoidal type functional response

C Xu, Q Zhang - Wseas transactions on Systems, 2014 - wseas.com
This paper is concerned with a cyclic predator-prey system with Sigmoidal type functional
response. By using the differential inequality theory, some sufficient conditions are derived …

The spatial dynamics of a zebrafish model with cross-diffusions

H Zhao, Q Zhang, L Zhu - Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering, 2017 - aimsciences.org
This paper investigates the spatial dynamics of a zebrafish model with cross-diffusions.
Sufficient conditions for Hopf bifurcation and Turing bifurcation are obtained by analyzing …

[PDF][PDF] Representing pollution in a food chain through bifurcating solutions and spatial patterns

PM Srinivas, A Chaturvedi - Global Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2016 - researchgate.net
The relationship of the competition rate between the first two species in the chain of three
with the handling time of the first predator in the stability properties of the system under the …

[PDF][PDF] Nonlinear dynamics of expression of BMAL1: a mathematical study

K Das, NH Gazi, S Singha, S Pinelas - Nonlinear Studies, 2018 - researchgate.net
Nonlinear dynamics of complex biological systems like expression of protein remained a
fascinating field of study. Especially investigation of dynamics of functional proteins like …

Fiziološke determinante kritičnega obnašanja v sistemu sklopljenih ekscitabilnih oscilatorjev

U Marhl - 2018 - dk.um.si
Samo-organizirana kritičnost in kritična dinamika sta lastnost različnih dinamičnih sistemov,
ki so sestavljeni iz mnogih gradnikov in so nelinearni. Za te sisteme je značilno, da …