Advanced laser technology for quantum communications (tutorial review)
Quantum communications is the art of exchanging and manipulating information beyond the
capabilities of the conventional technologies using the laws of quantum mechanics. With …
capabilities of the conventional technologies using the laws of quantum mechanics. With …
Breaking the rate-loss bound of quantum key distribution with asynchronous two-photon interference
Twin-field quantum key distribution can overcome the secret key capacity of repeaterless
quantum key distribution via single-photon interference. However, to compensate for the …
quantum key distribution via single-photon interference. However, to compensate for the …
Experimental quantum communication overcomes the rate-loss limit without global phase tracking
Secure key rate (SKR) of point-point quantum key distribution (QKD) is fundamentally
bounded by the rate-loss limit. Recent breakthrough of twin-field (TF) QKD can overcome …
bounded by the rate-loss limit. Recent breakthrough of twin-field (TF) QKD can overcome …
Mode-pairing quantum key distribution
Quantum key distribution—the establishment of information-theoretically secure keys based
on quantum physics—is mainly limited by its practical performance, which is characterised …
on quantum physics—is mainly limited by its practical performance, which is characterised …
Robust and adaptable quantum key distribution network without trusted nodes
Quantum key distribution (QKD) networks are promising to serve large numbers of users
with information-theoretic secure communication. In QKD networks, the detection-safe …
with information-theoretic secure communication. In QKD networks, the detection-safe …
Quantum interferometers: principles and applications
Interference, which refers to the phenomenon associated with the superposition of waves,
has played a crucial role in the advancement of physics and finds a wide range of …
has played a crucial role in the advancement of physics and finds a wide range of …
Experimental mode-pairing measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution without global phase locking
In the past two decades, quantum key distribution networks based on telecom fibers have
been implemented on metropolitan and intercity scales. One of the bottlenecks lies in the …
been implemented on metropolitan and intercity scales. One of the bottlenecks lies in the …
Development of a Boston-area 50-km fiber quantum network testbed
Distributing quantum information between remote systems will necessitate the integration of
emerging quantum components with existing communication infrastructure. This requires …
emerging quantum components with existing communication infrastructure. This requires …
Fully passive quantum key distribution
We propose a fully passive linear optical quantum key distribution (QKD) source that
implements both random decoy-state and encoding choices with postselection only, thus …
implements both random decoy-state and encoding choices with postselection only, thus …
Hacking measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution
Decoy-state measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) is
regarded as one of the most promising protocols since it is physically immune to all fatal …
regarded as one of the most promising protocols since it is physically immune to all fatal …