[PDF][PDF] Search problems in cryptography: from fingerprinting to lattice sieving

T Laarhoven - 2016 - research.tue.nl
Search problems in cryptography Page 1 Search problems in cryptography: from fingerprinting
to lattice sieving Citation for published version (APA): Laarhoven, T. (2016). Search problems …

An improvement of discrete Tardos fingerprinting codes

K Nuida, S Fujitsu, M Hagiwara, T Kitagawa… - Designs, Codes and …, 2009 - Springer
It has been proven that the code lengths of Tardos's collusion-secure fingerprinting codes
are of theoretically minimal order with respect to the number of adversarial users (pirates) …

High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity

E Amiri, G Tardos - Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM-SIAM …, 2009 - SIAM
Including a unique code in each copy of a distributed document is an effective way of
fighting intellectual piracy. Codes designed for this purpose that are secure against collusion …

New results on distributed secret sharing protocols

A De Santis, B Masucci - IFIP Annual Conference on Data and Applications …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract A Distributed Secret Sharing Protocol (DSSP for short) allows a dealer to share
multiple secrets among a set of users by storing the shares on storage nodes distributed …

On the design and optimization of Tardos probabilistic fingerprinting codes

T Furon, A Guyader, F Cérou - International Workshop on Information …, 2008 - Springer
G. Tardos 1 was the first to give a construction of a fingerprinting code whose length meets
the lowest known bound in O(c^2\logn1). This was a real breakthrough because the …

An asymmetric fingerprinting scheme based on Tardos codes

A Charpentier, C Fontaine, T Furon, I Cox - International workshop on …, 2011 - Springer
Asymmetric fingerprinting protocols are designed to prevent an untrustworthy Provider
incriminating an innocent Buyer. These protocols enable the Buyer to generate their own …

Privacy-Preserving Fingerprinting Against Collusion and Correlation Threats in Genomic Data

T Ji, E Ayday, E Yilmaz, P Li - Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing …, 2024 - petsymposium.org
Sharing genomic databases is critical to the collaborative research in computational biology.
A shared database is more informative than specific genome-wide association studies …

Toward practical joint decoding of binary Tardos fingerprinting codes

P Meerwald, T Furon - IEEE Transactions on Information …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The class of joint decoder in fingerprinting codes is of utmost importance in theoretical
papers to establish the concept of fingerprint capacity. However, no implementation …

Dynamic Tardos traitor tracing schemes

T Laarhoven, J Doumen, P Roelse… - IEEE Transactions …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We construct binary dynamic traitor tracing schemes, where the number of watermark bits
needed to trace and disconnect any coalition of pirates is quadratic in the number of pirates …

On-off keying modulation and tardos fingerprinting

F **e, T Furon, C Fontaine - Proceedings of the 10th ACM workshop on …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
We consider a particular design of fingerprinting code for multimedia contents, carefully
motivated by a detailed analysis. This design is based on a two-layer approach: a …