[PDF][PDF] Search problems in cryptography: from fingerprinting to lattice sieving
T Laarhoven - 2016 - research.tue.nl
Search problems in cryptography Page 1 Search problems in cryptography: from fingerprinting
to lattice sieving Citation for published version (APA): Laarhoven, T. (2016). Search problems …
to lattice sieving Citation for published version (APA): Laarhoven, T. (2016). Search problems …
An improvement of discrete Tardos fingerprinting codes
It has been proven that the code lengths of Tardos's collusion-secure fingerprinting codes
are of theoretically minimal order with respect to the number of adversarial users (pirates) …
are of theoretically minimal order with respect to the number of adversarial users (pirates) …
High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity
E Amiri, G Tardos - Proceedings of the twentieth annual ACM-SIAM …, 2009 - SIAM
Including a unique code in each copy of a distributed document is an effective way of
fighting intellectual piracy. Codes designed for this purpose that are secure against collusion …
fighting intellectual piracy. Codes designed for this purpose that are secure against collusion …
New results on distributed secret sharing protocols
Abstract A Distributed Secret Sharing Protocol (DSSP for short) allows a dealer to share
multiple secrets among a set of users by storing the shares on storage nodes distributed …
multiple secrets among a set of users by storing the shares on storage nodes distributed …
On the design and optimization of Tardos probabilistic fingerprinting codes
G. Tardos 1 was the first to give a construction of a fingerprinting code whose length meets
the lowest known bound in O(c^2\logn1). This was a real breakthrough because the …
the lowest known bound in O(c^2\logn1). This was a real breakthrough because the …
An asymmetric fingerprinting scheme based on Tardos codes
Asymmetric fingerprinting protocols are designed to prevent an untrustworthy Provider
incriminating an innocent Buyer. These protocols enable the Buyer to generate their own …
incriminating an innocent Buyer. These protocols enable the Buyer to generate their own …
Privacy-Preserving Fingerprinting Against Collusion and Correlation Threats in Genomic Data
Sharing genomic databases is critical to the collaborative research in computational biology.
A shared database is more informative than specific genome-wide association studies …
A shared database is more informative than specific genome-wide association studies …
Toward practical joint decoding of binary Tardos fingerprinting codes
The class of joint decoder in fingerprinting codes is of utmost importance in theoretical
papers to establish the concept of fingerprint capacity. However, no implementation …
papers to establish the concept of fingerprint capacity. However, no implementation …
Dynamic Tardos traitor tracing schemes
We construct binary dynamic traitor tracing schemes, where the number of watermark bits
needed to trace and disconnect any coalition of pirates is quadratic in the number of pirates …
needed to trace and disconnect any coalition of pirates is quadratic in the number of pirates …
On-off keying modulation and tardos fingerprinting
We consider a particular design of fingerprinting code for multimedia contents, carefully
motivated by a detailed analysis. This design is based on a two-layer approach: a …
motivated by a detailed analysis. This design is based on a two-layer approach: a …