A review of visual memory capacity: Beyond individual items and toward structured representations
Traditional memory research has focused on identifying separate memory systems and
exploring different stages of memory processing. This approach has been valuable for …
exploring different stages of memory processing. This approach has been valuable for …
Oscillatory multiplexing of neural population codes for interval timing and working memory
Interval timing and working memory are critical components of cognition that are supported
by neural oscillations in prefrontal–striatal–hippocampal circuits. In this review, the …
by neural oscillations in prefrontal–striatal–hippocampal circuits. In this review, the …
Dynamic reorganization of neuronal activity patterns in parietal cortex
Neuronal representations change as associations are learned between sensory stimuli and
behavioral actions. However, it is poorly understood whether representations for learned …
behavioral actions. However, it is poorly understood whether representations for learned …
Superior parietal cortex is critical for the manipulation of information in working memory
In recent years, theoretical perspectives on posterior parietal function have evolved beyond
the traditional visuospatial processing models to include more diverse cognitive operations …
the traditional visuospatial processing models to include more diverse cognitive operations …
Externally induced frontoparietal synchronization modulates network dynamics and enhances working memory performance
Cognitive functions such as working memory (WM) are emergent properties of large-scale
network interactions. Synchronisation of oscillatory activity might contribute to WM by …
network interactions. Synchronisation of oscillatory activity might contribute to WM by …
Working memory, attention, and executive function in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia
Working memory deficits are a recognised feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD). They are
commonly ascribed to central executive impairment and assumed to relate to frontal lobe …
commonly ascribed to central executive impairment and assumed to relate to frontal lobe …
tDCS selectively improves working memory in older adults with more education
Cognitive performance, including performance on working memory (WM) tasks declines with
age. Changes in brain activations are one presumed contributor to WM decline in the …
age. Changes in brain activations are one presumed contributor to WM decline in the …
Dissociation between memory accuracy and memory confidence following bilateral parietal lesions
Numerous functional neuroimaging studies have observed lateral parietal lobe activation
during memory tasks: a surprise to clinicians who have traditionally associated the parietal …
during memory tasks: a surprise to clinicians who have traditionally associated the parietal …
[HTML][HTML] Cortical gray-matter thinning is associated with age-related improvements on executive function tasks
Across development children show marked improvement in their executive functions (EFs),
including the ability to hold information in working memory and to deploy cognitive control …
including the ability to hold information in working memory and to deploy cognitive control …
Parietal contributions to visual working memory depend on task difficulty
The nature of parietal contributions to working memory (WM) remain poorly understood but
of considerable interest. We previously reported that posterior parietal damage selectively …
of considerable interest. We previously reported that posterior parietal damage selectively …