Should property or liability rules govern information

MA Lemley, PJ Weiser - Tex. L. Rev., 2006‏ - HeinOnline
The foundational notion of property law is that" the right to exclude" is the essence of a true
property right.'Using the classic property lens, the appropriate relief for trespass is thus an …

Copyrighting TikTok dances: choreography in the internet age

A Johnson - Wash. L. Rev., 2021‏ - HeinOnline
TikTok is a video-sharing social media application that launched in 2018 and has grown
wildly since its inception. Many users are drawn to the platform by" dance challenges"-short …

Critical race IP

A Vats, DA Keller - Cardozo Arts & Ent. LJ, 2018‏ - HeinOnline
In this Article, written on the heels of Race+ IP 2017, a conference we co-organized with
Amit Basolel and Jessica Silbey, 2 we propose and articulate a theoretical framework for an …

Intellectual property at the intersection of race and gender: lady sings the blues

KJ Greene - Am. UJ Gender Soc. Pol'y & L., 2007‏ - HeinOnline
The history of the production of cultural property in the United States follows the same
pattern as the history of the racial divide that inaugurated the founding of the Republic. The …

Copyright's One-Way Racial Appropriation Ratchet

EL Rosenblatt - UC Davis L. Rev., 2019‏ - HeinOnline
In 1997, a Rolling Stone reviewer described the music of Grammywinning recording artist
Beck as incorporating a" cross-pollination of styles- from hip-hop to country rock to funky …

The freedom to copy: copyright, creation, and context

OB Arewa - UC Davis L. Rev., 2007‏ - HeinOnline
The Freedom to Copy: Copyright, Creation, and Context Page 1 The Freedom to Copy:
Copyright, Creation, and Context Olufunmilayo B. Arewa* Although much separates them …

Fair Use Avoidance in Music Cases

E Lee - BCL Rev., 2018‏ - HeinOnline
This Article provides the first empirical study of fair use in cases involving musical works. The
major finding of the study is surprising: despite the relatively high number of music cases …

Sampling, loo**, and mashing oh my: How hip hop music is scratching more than the surface of copyright law

TM Evans - Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. LJ, 2010‏ - HeinOnline
There is nothing new under the sun, or so the saying goes. The process of creating music is
no exception. The fruit of this process, an artistic endeavor, is protected by copyright: an …

Raw Materials and the Creative Process

A Gilden - Geo. LJ, 2015‏ - HeinOnline
Visitors to the Whitney Museum in Manhattan during the summer of 2014 encountered a
tremendous range of iconic pop-culture imagery: a granite statue of Popeye, an Incredible …

Naming Rights: Attribution and Law

R Tushnet - Utah L. Rev., 2007‏ - HeinOnline
When I agreed to write a piece on copyright reform for this symposium, I intended to propose
an attribution right for authors of copyrighted (or even oncecopyrighted) works. As I struggled …