A review of carbon monitoring in wet carbon systems using remote sensing
Carbon monitoring is critical for the reporting and verification of carbon stocks and change.
Remote sensing is a tool increasingly used to estimate the spatial heterogeneity, extent and …
Remote sensing is a tool increasingly used to estimate the spatial heterogeneity, extent and …
Remote sensing of boreal wetlands 2: methods for evaluating boreal wetland ecosystem state and drivers of change
The following review is the second part of a two part series on the use of remotely sensed
data for quantifying wetland extent and inferring or measuring condition for monitoring …
data for quantifying wetland extent and inferring or measuring condition for monitoring …
Modeling maize above-ground biomass based on machine learning approaches using UAV remote-sensing data
Background Above-ground biomass (AGB) is a basic agronomic parameter for field
investigation and is frequently used to indicate crop growth status, the effects of agricultural …
investigation and is frequently used to indicate crop growth status, the effects of agricultural …
A comparative analysis of SLR, MLR, ANN, XGBoost and CNN for crop height estimation of sunflower using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
Sustainable monitoring and determining the biophysical characteristics of crops is of global
importance due to the increase in demand for food. In this context, remote sensing data …
importance due to the increase in demand for food. In this context, remote sensing data …
Remote sensing-based biomass estimation of dry deciduous tropical forest using machine learning and ensemble analysis
Forests play a vital role in maintaining the global carbon balance. However, globally, forest
ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change and deforestation in recent …
ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change and deforestation in recent …