Topological acoustics
Topological acoustics is an emerging field that lies at the intersection of condensed matter
physics, mechanical structural design and acoustics engineering. It explores the design and …
physics, mechanical structural design and acoustics engineering. It explores the design and …
Colloquium: Quantum anomalous Hall effect
The quantum Hall (QH) effect, quantized Hall resistance combined with zero longitudinal
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene as a topological heavy fermion problem
Magic-angle (θ= 1.0 5°) twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) has shown two seemingly
contradictory characters: the localization and quantum-dot-like behavior in STM …
contradictory characters: the localization and quantum-dot-like behavior in STM …
Reproducibility in the fabrication and physics of moiré materials
Overlaying two atomic layers with a slight lattice mismatch or at a small rotation angle
creates a moiré superlattice, which has properties that are markedly modified from (and at …
creates a moiré superlattice, which has properties that are markedly modified from (and at …
Fractional Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Abstract Fractional Chern insulators (FCIs) are lattice analogues of fractional quantum Hall
states that may provide a new avenue towards manipulating non-Abelian excitations. Early …
states that may provide a new avenue towards manipulating non-Abelian excitations. Early …
Evidence for Dirac flat band superconductivity enabled by quantum geometry
In a flat band superconductor, the charge carriers' group velocity v F is extremely slow.
Superconductivity therein is particularly intriguing, being related to the long-standing …
Superconductivity therein is particularly intriguing, being related to the long-standing …
Superconductivity, superfluidity and quantum geometry in twisted multilayer systems
Superconductivity has been observed in moiré systems such as twisted bilayer graphene,
which host flat, dispersionless electronic bands. In parallel, theory work has discovered that …
which host flat, dispersionless electronic bands. In parallel, theory work has discovered that …
Graphene bilayers with a twist
Near a magic twist angle, bilayer graphene transforms from a weakly correlated Fermi liquid
to a strongly correlated two-dimensional electron system with properties that are …
to a strongly correlated two-dimensional electron system with properties that are …
Chern insulators, van Hove singularities and topological flat bands in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene exhibits intriguing quantum phase transitions
triggered by enhanced electron–electron interactions when its flat bands are partially filled …
triggered by enhanced electron–electron interactions when its flat bands are partially filled …
Phase engineering of 2D materials
Polymorphic 2D materials allow structural and electronic phase engineering, which can be
used to realize energy-efficient, cost-effective, and scalable device applications. The phase …
used to realize energy-efficient, cost-effective, and scalable device applications. The phase …