Pentingnya pendidikan bagi remaja sebagai upaya pencegahan pernikahan dini
Pendidikan merupakan tuntunan di dalam hidup tumbuhnya anak-anak, yakni menuntun
segala kekuatan kodrat yang ada pada anak agar mereka sebagai manusia dan sebagai …
segala kekuatan kodrat yang ada pada anak agar mereka sebagai manusia dan sebagai …
Develo** an education support system for disaster management through an ethnoscience-based digital disaster learning module
Using evidence of the Mount Semeru eruption in 2021 shows the importance of community
preparedness knowledge from an early age. This study aims to develop an ethnoscience …
preparedness knowledge from an early age. This study aims to develop an ethnoscience …
[PDF][PDF] School Community Disaster Resilience: Promoting Geological Disaster Preparedness among Early Childhood Education Teachers
Preparedness of all components of the school community, including teachers, is essential to
build a school's resilience to disasters. This study aims to:(1) examine the geological …
build a school's resilience to disasters. This study aims to:(1) examine the geological …
Pengembangan Buku Panduan Kegiatan Pembelajaran Mitigasi Bencana Kebakaran Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun
Pengetahuan bencana kebakaran merupakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sangat penting
diberikan kepada anak? anak. Pembelajaran kegiatan mitigasi bencana kebakaran dapat …
diberikan kepada anak? anak. Pembelajaran kegiatan mitigasi bencana kebakaran dapat …
Understanding Disaster Literacy Level in Indonesia: How can students understand natural disasters?
This study aims to determine the understanding of disaster literacy in preparing disaster-
resilient students. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with a quasi …
resilient students. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with a quasi …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan Media Flashcard Mitigasi Bencana Alam Gunung Meletus untuk Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun
Rentannya bencana alam seperti gunung meletus di Indonesia menjadikan pentingnya
edukasi bagi masyarakat khususnya anak sedari dini mungkin. Pperlunya edukasi anak …
edukasi bagi masyarakat khususnya anak sedari dini mungkin. Pperlunya edukasi anak …
[PDF][PDF] Transformasi Siaga Bencana: Membangun Safety Culture melalui Pendidikan Kebencanaan di Satuan PAUD
Latar belakag penelitian ini mengidentifikasi rendahnya pemahaman dan persiapan PAUD
terhadap potensi bencana, menegaskan perlunya transformasi siaga bencana sebagai …
terhadap potensi bencana, menegaskan perlunya transformasi siaga bencana sebagai …
Integration of disaster education through learning of social studies in junior high school in effort to prepare disaster resilient students
This research aims to prepare students to be ready to face disasters in their surrounding
environment through disaster education. Even though preparing for disaster preparedness …
environment through disaster education. Even though preparing for disaster preparedness …
Develo** GeoWeb Semeru Based on Progressive Web App to Improve Disaster Awareness of Elementary School Students in Semeru Volcano Area
Disaster awareness is important to be instilled in elementary school children to reduce
disaster risk. In the education process at school, the used of media that is by the student …
disaster risk. In the education process at school, the used of media that is by the student …
Mega Monopoly Game for Disaster Mitigation Learning in the Context of Independent Learning for Children Aged 5-6 Years
AN Khusna, I Arifin - Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini …, 2023 - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
Disaster events cause various impacts on victims, especially children. Problems in the field
show that many PAUD institutions still need a game related to disaster mitigation. It is …
show that many PAUD institutions still need a game related to disaster mitigation. It is …