Political trust and multilevel government

J Muñoz - Handbook on political trust, 2017 - elgaronline.com
If we take a random citizen living in a democratic country, chances are she has to deal with
several layers of government simultaneously. At the very least, local and national institutions …

Investigating a typology of trust orientations towards national and European institutions: A person-centered approach

A Ruelens, I Nicaise - Social Science Research, 2020 - Elsevier
There is a growing recognition that trust attitudes towards national and European institutions
are systematically related. Despite substantial research interest, the exact nature of this …

Has the financial crisis shattered citizens' trust in national and European governmental institutions? Evidence from the EU member states, 1999–2010

F Roth, F Nowak-Lehmann D, T Otter - Public Support for the Euro: Essays …, 2022 - Springer
The financial crisis has affected trust in national and European governmental institutions in
different ways. This contribution analyses the determinants of trust in the national and …

Who trusts local human rights organizations?: Evidence from three world regions

J Ron, D Crow - Human Rights Quarterly, 2015 - muse.jhu.edu
Local human rights organizations (LHROs) are crucial allies in international efforts to
promote human rights. Without support from organized civil society, efforts by transnational …

CUBREMOT: a tool for building model-based trees for ordinal responses

C Cappelli, R Simone, F Di Iorio - Expert systems with applications, 2019 - Elsevier
The paper introduces a new technique for growing trees for ordinal responses in the model-
based framework. We consider the class of cub mixtures which is particularly appropriate to …

Weathering the crisis: Evidence of diffuse support for the EU from a six-wave Dutch panel

Z Ringlerova - European Union Politics, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Political regimes draw legitimacy from diffuse political support. How diffuse is support for the
European Union? By focusing on cross-sectional data, the extant literature fails to …

The impact of immigration on attitudes toward the EU: Evidence from a three‐country survey experiment

Z Ringlerova - JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Immigration is one of the important issues that influence attitudes toward the EU. It is
unclear, however, what causal mechanisms explain this link. Is the causal mechanism …

[SÁCH][B] Public Support for the Euro: Essays on Labor Productivity, Monetary Economics, and Political Economy, Vol. 2

F Roth - 2022 - library.oapen.org
The long-term sustainability of the euro and the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
depends heavily on their ability to attract widespread public support. The support shown for …

[PDF][PDF] Methodological report on the TiGRE project expert survey

T Bach - ARENA report, 2021 - duo.uio.no
This report outlines the steps taken to design and implement a stakeholder survey on trust
and distrust in European regulatory governance and ultimately create a large, multi-actor …

Deliverable 3.2–Report on changing patterns of citizens' political participation. PROJECT ActEU

C Pamies, L Morales Diez de Ulzurrun, L Chiao… - 2024 - digital.csic.es
This report examines how much patterns of political participation have changed in the last
two decades in Europe and whether any such changes can reasonably be linked to the …