Investigation of structural parameters for inclined weir-type solar stills
The solar still, in which saline or brackish water is converted into freshwater using
renewable solar energy, can be an effective solution to water scarcity. Inclined solar stills are …
renewable solar energy, can be an effective solution to water scarcity. Inclined solar stills are …
A review of efficient high productivity solar stills
Fresh water is an indispensable resource, which is getting contaminated. The shortage of
freshwater has been identified as a crucial issue all around the world. Solar desalination is …
freshwater has been identified as a crucial issue all around the world. Solar desalination is …
Improving the performance of solar still by using PCM as a thermal storage medium under Egyptian conditions
The objective of the present work is to improve the performance of a solar still through
increasing the productivity of freshwater. In order to improve the performance of a solar still …
increasing the productivity of freshwater. In order to improve the performance of a solar still …
[HTML][HTML] Pyramidal solar stills via hollow cylindrical perforated fins, inclined rectangular perforated fins, and nanocomposites: an experimental investigation
A practical study was conducted to improve the performance of conventional pyramidal solar
stills (CPSS) using two types of fins with differing geometries, as well as nanocomposites of …
stills (CPSS) using two types of fins with differing geometries, as well as nanocomposites of …
Performance improvement of a tubular solar still using V-corrugated absorber with wick materials: numerical and experimental investigations
Tubular solar still is characterized by having a large condensing and receiving surface area
compared to traditional single slope solar still. The present study aims to enhance the …
compared to traditional single slope solar still. The present study aims to enhance the …
Modified pyramid solar still with v-corrugated absorber plate and PCM as a thermal storage medium
A modified pyramid solar still with both v-corrugated absorbers plate and PCM, and the
conventional pyramid solar still was designed, constructed and fabricated under the same …
conventional pyramid solar still was designed, constructed and fabricated under the same …
Sustainable fresh water and power production by integrating PV panel in inclined solar still
Present work is an effort to study the performance of a PV panel integrated solar still to
generate power and to do desalination process to meet the water and power scarcity issues …
generate power and to do desalination process to meet the water and power scarcity issues …
Experimental investigation on Peltier based hybrid PV/T active solar still for enhancing the overall performance
The demand for water and electricity is gradually increasing throughout the years due to the
modern lifestyle of humans to complete their daily activities. To make sustainable water and …
modern lifestyle of humans to complete their daily activities. To make sustainable water and …
A hybrid desalination system using humidification-dehumidification and solar stills integrated with evacuated solar water heater
This paper offers a hybrid solar desalination system comprising a humidification-
dehumidification and four solar stills. The developed hybrid desalination system reuses the …
dehumidification and four solar stills. The developed hybrid desalination system reuses the …
Recent fresh water augmentation techniques in solar still and HDH desalination–A review
This article reports about the recent reformation carried out in the solar still and
humidification dehumidification desalination system using renewable energy sources for …
humidification dehumidification desalination system using renewable energy sources for …